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Everything posted by Alasdair

  1. My ignition switch failed at 100 hours and led to the wiring heating to the extent that I had excessive smoke in the cockpit. Switched off everything and did a dead stick landing. All OK
  2. Thanks guys. No I had MCD professionally built by the SA agent John Waterson of Savannah Africa, I am using the MGL iEfis and MGL radio, together with steam instruments. Am disappointed with the radio as it does not support my Lightspeed Zulu 2 headset, but is magnificent on my cheap headsets.
  3. I use an oil thermostat and find that my warm up times have dropped considerably, particularly on our cold sub zero mornings. I have found that my oil seldom gets to 90 degrees though and must blank off a bit of my cooler in the colder months. My EGT,s are well below operating limits as per the manual
  4. I have recently had excessive smoke in the cockpit from the positive wire from the starter to the rev counter heating to such an extent that it burnt. I have now inserted a 10amp fuse to prevent a reoccurrence. The problem was a faulty starter switch
  5. Hi Guys I fly a Savannah S and an Aquilla Weightshift out of Morgan's Bay and Queenstown in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The Wild Coast is stunning to fly Looking forward to being a member of this site Alasdair McDonald
  6. Flying free along the Wild Coast......
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