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Everything posted by matto

  1. Good effort by SAR. I was assuming the worst but holding onto hope untill something was confirmed. RIP Des and crew.
  2. G'day Thomas, Thanks for the info on the minisport. I also will be following the progress of this sweet little thing. Hopefully a bit further down the track my circumstances allow for a project like this.
  3. Congrats mate, all the best with it. Just asking as my sister received a place up here
  4. Sounds like it would be a great weekend, hopefully gets the support it needs to get off the ground.
  5. Do you have a mulitmeter? Set it on resistance(test by touching the leads together, 0 ohms means you have a short circuir or the right wire when testing the following) by holding one lead on a section of the plug and trying the other lead on the cut wires you will be able to work out which one goes where. Also if you break open your old switch you can see what colour goes where and replicate this on your new one. The resistor will prevent an open circuit and help eliminate initial transmission noise (click or pop when the button is pushed) but it will work without it. You should only need 2 wires
  6. If you can post a wiring diagram from the radio manufacturer i should be able to assist
  7. Not sure if anyone has mentioned the Bowen River Hotel. 20°32'21.87"S 147°33'14.61"E Great little pub with a strip 16nm west of Collinsville. Food, cold beer and accommodation available see http://bowenriverhotel.com.au/about-us.html for more details or call 07 47 853388 There is also a Rodeo held here queens birthday weekend in june
  8. So Jake did you get offered a place at JCU?
  9. Blue red and yellow one on ebay by any chance? There was one (3 were built in gladstone in the 80's) left at Rodds Bay when i started flying in 99' Yenn might be able to give you some contact details for the owner/builder of that one who is very knowledgeable
  10. Have been living in Townsville for almost 10 years now and only flying when down in Gladstone. I recently flew the drifter from Rodds Bay to Montpelier Airpark just to the south of Townsville. That was a long day
  11. There is lakeside airpark just east of bloomsburry. I think there are some members on the forum but not sure of who or contact details
  12. Hi Hendonguy, I learnt to fly at Rodds bay as well as Old Station and Gladstone 13 years ago now. Kept the drifter there untill just recently when i brought it up north. You need to head south from benaraby on the bruce highway approx 9km then turn right onto rodds bay road. Head down this road for a few hundred meters and turn right at the first gate after the house on the corner copy and paste this in google maps to have a better look Rodds Bay Rd, Iveragh Queensland 4680 Hope this helps Matt
  13. Thanks for the replys. Frank it is leaking along the join at the front of the tank. I am thinking about getting one made out of aluminium.
  14. G'day everyone, I'm chasing a belly tank for our drifter . The current one has been repaired but is leaking again. I have talked to both the drifter factory and Wayne Fisher and have heard they are hard to find but thought that here would be the next best place to ask. If you know of anything please let me know Matt
  15. R.I.P Pip You will be dearly missed My Dad grew up with pip and went to school together. I love hearing the stories that the old man has of the things the pair got up to in their younger years. I had the pleasure of meeting pip on numerous occasions and you honestly couldnt meet a nicer bloke. Many airshows round the country won't be the same. Our condolences to his family Matt Mckenna
  16. Came accross this interesting engine, not sure if it has been posted before, here are a few links http://ppdgemini.com/_PDF/Gemini100_Spec_Sheet.pdf http://ppdgemini.com/ http://dieselair.com/2007/07/powerplant-developments-in-uk-unveils.html
  17. Congrats mate, now the real learning begins
  18. here is the Noise
  19. that is a nice looking plane, does anyone have some specs?
  20. Hi fellow ultralight enthusiasts, i learnt to fly in 99 when i was 15 in my familys drifter and ever since then i have taken a strong intrest in all aircraft but especially those in the RA catergory. i hope to purshase a kit and build my own plane just as soon as i can shortlist my shortlist and make a decision on which one to choose.
  21. hey Boleropilot congrats on the solo mate, its like a whole new plane on your first solo flight the way it just leaps off the ground. I was 15 when i learnt to fly our drifter, thats 8 years ago now and still havent flown an aircraft that is as much fun at the old drifter
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