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Everything posted by KING

  1. Thanks, quite interested in the Sapphire right now.
  2. Interested in an LSA Sapphire. Anyone know of a good example for sale?
  3. KING

    Wanted - Europa

  4. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Thanks FH, yup aware of their 'interesting handling characteristics' in crosswinds and at the point the tail comes up on T/O. Good friend owns one and if I manage to pick one up I'll be a coward and get time with someone used to them. In the meantime I'm expanding my search for something interesting. Ideally something I can get the wings off in under an hour and service at home every now and then. Actually thinking about picking up a Sapphire (another aircraft that has piqued my interest over the years). In the meantime I'm flying other people's aircraft pretty much every day so I'm not in a desperate rush. Anyone know anyone with a good Sapphire?
  5. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Thanks Skippy, know a few people with Europa's but will try to find this guy 🙂
  6. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Any particular handling issues Nev? Had an older flight test from the UK which reported a well behaved (although light) aircraft. Structure/gear/control authority issues? Thanks for your input 🙂
  7. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Yes agree different ends of the envelope. Lucky that I fly most days for work so want something private that I can trailer back home three or four times a year from a a permanent strip to work on, clean, fart around with in the shed. The FS Storch and the Europa are interesting to me, as is the Sonex actually. The Storch jumped into the list because, as a factory built machine, I could use it to teach in the future. The Europa has been something on my mind for decades and is probably first choice. Got a design for a bespoke trailer with wing support somewhere in my files... Thanks for your input by the way 🙂
  8. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Got a bit of time in Eurofoxes, and they're nice aeroplanes. Love the strength of the Europa though (always loved the design - way ahead of its time).
  9. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Yup think I might be in for a wait. Looking for something with wing fold, always loved the Europa, but maybe a FlySynthesis Storch
  10. Like you Stalling and Spinning were part of the PPL syllabus in the UK [thirty+ years ago], however the problem came when the US statistics showed that more people were dying in spin training than actual accidental spins. Power on stalls in the climb can lead to violent wing drops and therefore [bearing in mind many RAA training types aren't spin rated] it seems it is impossible to do anything but thoroughly brief around scenarios that might lead to stalls in the climb, and what to do if God forbid a low hour/non-aerobatic pilot get themselves into that position. For what it's worth my advice to new pilots is to go and do an unusual attitudes/upset recovery course after initial training with an instructor who specialises in that. An FI with limited experience in these matters is more likely to cause problems than solve them IMHO.
  11. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Too funny - looking forward to bird strikes on the leading edges for a change 🙂
  12. Totally agree. The question was about approach speed only, and my old rule of thumb works well. However nothing wrong with adding another 10-20% on [as long as you aren't getting near structural limits like Vfe and runway length isn't a problem]. For the avoidance of doubt ANY turns on the glideslope should be gentle, coordinated ones and you are 100% right to bring this up.
  13. KING

    Wanted - Europa

    Looking for a decent Europa. Will consider a good part built kit.
  14. Rule of thumb for a decent approach speed: Stall 35mph * 1.3 = 45.5mph vref + 50% steady state wind value + 50% gust value, So on an example 10G15kn day approach would be 45.5mph + [5kn]5.75mph + [2.5kn]2.9mph = 54.15mph or 47.05kn - so 50kn seems ok on an average day.... Anyhow to the only people who really know what happened rest in peace, and my thoughts for those poor loved ones left behind in this tragedy [as always].
  15. KING

    Junkers F 13

    Actually got up close and personal to a reproduction model in the UK two years ago. Very interesting aircraft and beautifully built.
  16. G1 STOL won in its class at the first big European STOL comp on the beaches in Belgium [Zoute Air Trophy]. Had a good look round it - nicely built all metal with good folding wing system - quite impressive...
  17. I’m sure Amelia Earhart would have attested to the efficacy of a trailing wire for comms when she landed back home in the US if she and Noonan had a serviceable one in her Electra: https://tighar.org/wiki/Removal_of_trailing_antenna
  18. Hi there Kyle, now based SEQLD and just buying a SavVG (I’ve owned a VG and a 701 previously). I’ve noticed that you’ve completed a twin stick mod. That’s a feature I’d have liked in both my previous aircraft so wondered if you’ve got drawings/details that you’d care to share?  Cheers.

    1. Kyle Communications

      Kyle Communications

      The ones I have fitted are the factory ones but I dont use electric flaps. ICP say you cant have twin sticks without electric flaps but that is BS. I converted my VGXL and I am finishing rebuilding a wrecked S model now and am fitting a set to it as well. You are welcome to come and see how its done. I am about to paint everything in the next week or two on this one. There is a couple of things to know about but its pretty easy to do. The original factory twin sticks for the VG and classic were very ordinary but the later versions are quite good. All bearings fitted etc

      I fly out of Caboolture and am doing the rebuild at my house at Burpengary East  give me a ring  0408724272


  19. Anyone know of a decent Europa trigear for sale? Hoping I can find one in Aus rather than importing one.
  20. Yes maybe this.... everything looked ok until the inverted position for what was obviously going to be a rolling manoeuvre - can’t think of a logical reason why he’d try to pull back on the stick at that point. Loose straps could result in gripping stick backwards. Unfortunately yet another example of level aeros not being a bright idea. Far too many over the years. RIP to this poor fellow. I felt sick for his mate on the video camera...
  21. Just adding a bit here. First off check out the ww2 training films on how to fly the jug - Pretty cool: On a personal note I used to fly from a DDay era airfield called Headcorn in Kent, UK. While driving around I found a small dedication to a group of about a dozen WW2 pilots who died flying from there. They gave their lives flying Jugs with most of them cut down within a few months of DDay on very dangerous ground attack sorties - cutting Axis communication lines and close in ground support for the Allied coastal bridgeheads. I checked out each of the pilots names on the internet and became focused on one guy in particular called George Rarey. He was killed in late June 1944 and never met his unborn son. Before the war he was a budding New York newspaper cartoonist and kept a cartoon diary of his wartime experience [he also painted personalised all the nose art for the pilots in his squadron]. His son published his work online and its a bitter sweet experience to read it: George Rarey's World War II Air Force Cartoon Journals It’s a little off topic but if you’re interested in the P47 there’s some interesting insights here.
  22. Was flying in the UK recently and a big reminder on CO poisoning came with the death of Emilio Sala in a charter crash CO Poisoning is a very real danger - signs of nausea or headaches are prime symptoms and personality I’d be opening vents and getting on the ground - if I suspected it in any aircraft I’d flown in I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving the pilot in command or owner completely aware of my concerns. Don’t think I’d be reporting anyone but I’d make sure my concerns were very clearly understood.
  23. You’re right with the C172 in the hangar comment. Reminded me of Max Stanley’s quote: The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you :)
  24. I owned a Tipsy Nipper for a while, loved it [best aviation fun:$ ratio I’ve ever had] but nose gear collapse leading to nose over in a forced landing situation was a worry. I mitigated by really tightening Hooker 5 point straps on landing, always wearing a helmet and having a decent egress tool at hand with me. The Tipsy Nipper has a funny nickname of the ‘Nipsy Tipper’ because it has been known to nose over so that threat was in my mind with that type but the steps I took probably a good idea with any low wing/bubble canopy combination.
  25. Here's a couple of women who held their own with the best male pilots of their day; If you want a true hell raising maverick check out the Pancho Barnes' story [read The Happy Bottom Riding Club if you can] - Founder of the US movie pilots union, Barnstormer, an original member of the 99s who broke Amelia's world speed record, and respected as a pilot by people like Bob Hoover, Chuck Yeager and Jimmy Doolittle no less.... Hanna Reitsch - A total Nazi who was with Hitler in the bunker at the end of WW2 - the last pilot to fly out of Berlin. A test pilot who flew one of the first helicopters [indoors btw], and as a very gifted test pilot flew a lot of the Nazi secret projects including the Me163 rocket plane and a piloted version of the V1 pulse jet (recommend 'The Sky Is My Kingdom') Many many more examples but these two gals come to the front of my mind right now.
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