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Everything posted by huggy98

  1. hi guys could anyone please help me get hanger space in bundy. thanks. mark.
  2. hi m8. could you give me a call please. my no is 0429590090
  3. hi. I have a comunica headset system, and I need a new headset. this system uses the telephone type connectors. I am having trouble finding a headset with the telephone type plug. if anyone has one for sale I would be very greatful, but failing that there is an adapter installed with the standard two jack plug connectors. does anyone know if a "normal" headset would work ok with the comunica system.
  4. the more I look at the fw190 the more I like it.
  5. heres a film of a bloke getting sucked into a jet on a us carrier.
  6. for one of these maybe?
  7. from little acorns... its nice to see that a thread that began with just two iconic beauties, has developed into conversations, quotes and great photos (love lima mikes p38 lightening) its interesting that theres not really any arguments. I think that is because aerodynamics sort of creates beauty and although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, who could really argue that a p38 is better than a spitfire, or visa versa for example. its also good to see that more civilian and modern planes have been thrown into the mix. its good that ppl are enjoying this thread and continuing to post. keep the stuff coming. heres a few photos of some beautiful planes to enjoy. I had to include mine.
  8. no. just wondering. just look at the spitfire. got to be the most beautiful plane ever built. love the mustang too. but I am a pom.
  9. and its been fitted with a jabiru 3300. you could cook a full English on its 6 heads, while heading in to the sky like a the space shuttle. I like it. more than a few similarities with the shadow. lovin them wing tips.
  10. hi m8. just checked out the tornado. nice, like a pointy shadow that u can get into the back seat, without popping out both shoulders, dislocating ur back and doing a six month course in yoga.
  11. hi m8. its a streak shadow with a jabiru 22oo, rebored.
  12. just as tight as the front, with a fat arse like mine. I could do a loop without fastening the seat belt and not fall out. but your more upright. the front seats like a blackpool beach deckchair. u could go to sleep in it. preferably when ur on the ground. I have actually heard of someone falling asleep in 1. I think.
  13. yes. I know about vne n stuff. but the great thing is I can get some good slow handling when I first get my ticket and not get bored with it in the future if a want to a little bit more. ive been told my shadow wont reach vne in level flight. but she will climb lika a monkey.
  14. no m8. huggy98 on youtube. watch and enjoy.lol
  15. lol. I set sail for Australia with no sailing experience, whatsoever. in the end. after 3 years and sailing 5000miles, I eventually lost my mast 2 days after setting sail single handed across the atlantic. got airlifted out the sea by a sea king helicopter. with my dog.
  16. pretty amazin really that a little plane like the "early" shadow could get all the way over ere. with a woman of course.
  17. well. not really that bothered. but mine has prolly got 30 to 40 more horses than that one,
  18. and! the yanks fitted em with sidewinder missiles. and the indian army made em bullit proof and just for good measure. they fitted a 7.62mm chaingun
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG2E1MXGnmQ
  20. I might be temptin a few comments now. but the best thing is. after watching the vid. nobody has tried to disagree with how she flys.
  21. thanks for your comments guys. I know its not perfect. not good on rough strips, a tad cosy accommodation, but just look at her fly. as I said earlier, im a lucky man. as long as I can land on the odd beach, to camp with my dog and blow the cobwebs away between the clouds. ill be a lucky happy man. im sure everyone loves there own plane just as much, and good on ya. were all lucky men. and women of course. and ive not even flown her yet.
  22. and im in Australia. everythings, upside down. so maybe its the right way up anyway??? I just cant tell anymore.lol
  23. not when ur upside down, it isn't.
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