Firsly I do hope everyone recovers. I crawled through on of these Sour bristrells only a few weeks back. Very nice. Very roomy. VH registration which means RAA may not get involved.
I know some people here get very upset about speculation, and while I respect that, I know it does come from genuine concern and a desire to understand. With that in mind, I will say the following stressing that it is heresay and only speculation.
I heard a theory after last year's incident that a contributing factor may have been the chute, or lack there of. apparently the chute is forward of the firewall and obviously moves the CofG forward. Because chutes are mandatory in (at least in some) European countries this is the standard configuration that is tested. Of course in Australia the chute is an option. Without it the CofG goes back and ironically so do your options in an emergency. This theory came from a technical person who was requested at the scene. I also believe I know Alf witness and trust that person a a very reliable source. I can only imagine the terror for the poor occupants if this is correct.
Again I hope they are ok and wish them a speedy recovery.