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Everything posted by BlurE

  1. Hi all - looking at heading up to Broome maybe August - September and was curious about the chances of hiring a RAA-reg aircraft for a few hours. Does anyone know any schools/Clubs operating near by? (I know near by is a relative term!) I see Broome YBRM has a 10 mile diameter Class-D to surface but maybe there is something just outside that? If it's not possible I know there is heaps of charter up there so I guess I can get up one way or another. Cheers
  2. Thank you very much dsam and scre80. I am still a little unclear about the software than runs on the Raspberry Pi. I think part of the puzzle that is missing is the Ozrunways instruction page that no longer appears online. Does anybody have a copy of this please?
  3. Bit confused and trying to get my head around this - and maybe someone could confirm my understandings or set me straight. So lets say I built a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver (ADS-B in) and I plan to use Ozrunways on a 3G ipad mini in an aircraft. 1. I need the Raspberri Pi 3 module - which includes the wifi module. 2. I need a 1090 Mhz receiver and antenna suitable for aircraft (not one of the ground based monsters) 3. I need a stable 5V (USB) power supply 4. I don't need a GPS module as the iPad GPS knows my position. 5. I need to install some software on the raspberry pi. (not sure what talks best with ozrunways??) 6.There is no point having the the dual band as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for the ground the based 978Mhz 7. I will not get ADS-B weather as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for weather. 8 I cannot provide an ADS-B out to other aircraft location without a "real" transponder-squitter ($$+) [but is not required for VFR /class G/ RAA anyway] 9. Oz runways will show Ozrunways traffic via the 3g iPad data as usual. 10. ADS-B traffic will appear in ozrunways (similar to native ozrunwas traffic?) via Wifi from the Raspberry Pi. 11. ADS-B traffic is (IFR, some GA VFR and new aircraft after 2014) 12. non ADS-B Avplan traffic will not be visible 13. non ADS-B map and compass traffic will not be viable. 14. non ADS-B glider traffic will not be visible (Some vintage also) Comments/clarifications appreciated thanks!
  4. Shocked to see so much green! I know it makes sense, but it's just been so long since we've seen that colour in Victoria.
  5. For the Rotax I believe a straight avgas diet requires a mineral oil rather than a synthetic, and does mean a gearbox strip at 600 hours. I see pmacarhys note that this is only pre 2012 which I didn't know -but you need to to your own research for you particular serial number.
  6. I tried to purchase a BRS second hand (suitable for repack) for another aircraft. Was all looking good until I made enquiries about freight. OMG what a can of worms!! The whole dangerous-goods thing made moving the rocket nearly impossible. Unfortunately it's also a bit too far away for me to collect in person. So for the moment it's firmly in the too hard basket. From my enquiries a new rocket/ignitor is packaged in such a way that its dangerous-goods category is lower, but still a significant issue. Please make careful enquiries before parting with your hard earned dollars.
  7. Maybe we need new regulation to ensure our aircraft are "groundworthy" and airworthy can be their assumed natural state?
  8. I think energy density means practical electric aircraft are still some time off although we have come a long long way from lead acid batteries. However if you were going to play with electric technology the pipistrel alpha is a great place to start. With a rather slippery 17:1 glide ratio the 80hp rotax version has stunning climb performance and requires only moderate power in cruise. Honestly without brakes (in my few hours) I found it a bugger to get down.
  9. I have been really enjoying watching the YouTube videos of an American pilot called Trent Palmer. Seriously fun flying beautiful scenery and exceptionally high standard of video production. Here are some examples. But, I can't help watch this and see so many examples if things that would not be allowed (laws and regulations) here in Australia. So here is the challenge. List the things you see in these videos we can't do in Australia.....go!
  10. I suspect this engine will wind up in a few military applications. There are already quite a few 914 powered drones about and I presume something like this would extend their ceiling to some pretty decent altitudes. The military don't mind spending $60k or whatever on an engine where that is a bit beyond the target market for most Rotax product. All that said I want one!
  11. Taxiing with a sliding canopy back LOOKS cool even in the blazing sun. (So my ego says anyway)
  12. ok, looks like the landing fees scales with the price of the aircraft.
  13. Yes, the EKP iV has two battery systems. - One set for unit operation 4xAA NiMH - And second small rechargeable button battery soldered to the circuit board which keeps the memory (i.e. user preferences and settings) I know they default to vertical if the settings are lost. Don't know about the green background. The manual is available online I can hunt down a link if you don't have it. I agree with Waraton -- sounds like your memory battery may be on the way out.
  14. I'll take a look. I would say it's either been removed, disconnected or is faulty as I would expect a measurable voltage drop which you switch something like that on. Was one fitted on your Storch Neil?
  15. Yes that is what I have seen in the past but this is simply an electrical switch. I even wondered if it powered a fan or something - but no evidence of that. Got me stumped.
  16. Trying to understand a factory installed switch labled "cabin heat" seems to do nothing, although I can see there are wires attached. No apparent heat or voltage drop so I can't imagine an electric radiator. Nothing in the POH or maintenance manuals. (Flysynthesis) Can anyone please shed light on this mystery?
  17. from the ABC website: Ultralight crash pilot avoids jail over 2013 Bass Strait ordeal -------------------------------- Ultralight crash pilot Shayd Hector avoids jail over 2013 Bass Strait ordeal By Sallese Gibson Updated Tue at 3:59pm PHOTO: The Thruster ultralight that ditched into Bass Strait (Supplied) RELATED STORY: Rescued men 'lucky to survive' crash off Tasmania's north-east MAP: TASuntil they were winched to safety hours later, telling media they had feared shark attacks due to the fact they were bleeding from cuts and abrasions sustained in the crash. The court yesterday heard, at the time of the crash, Hector held a pilot's certificate - and not a pilot's licence - which only permitted him to fly less than 25 nautical miles from his departure point. At today's sentencing, Magistrate Sharon Cure described Hector's approach as "cavalier". "Taking the risk was unjustified," she said. "An extremely high level of responsibility is attached to the right to fly. "It's important a clear message is sent that reckless conduct leads to punishment." Magistrate Cure took into account Hector's guilty plea, his prospect for rehabilitation, the financial burden of the incident, the subsequent court action and his young family in sentencing him to six months' imprisonment, wholly suspended. "[You] only just avoided an actual term of imprisonment," she said. VIDEO: Two rescued after ultralight ditches into Bass Strait (7pm TV News TAS) Novice pilot disregarded expert advice, court told Prosecutors said Hector lied to two aviation experts in Tasmania, who questioned his qualifications for the journey. PHOTO: Shayd Hector said he is still mates with Joel Nelson. (ABC News: Sallese Gibson) The court heard the experts also advised Hector to fly near Tasmania's northern islands, so that if he encountered problems, he would not land in the sea, and that he did not submit a flight path "via the islands" as recommended. The court was also told Hector had to jump start the aeroplane in Bridport and was advised to delay the flight to give the battery time to recharge. He ignored the suggestion and departed soon after. The air speed indicator on the plane was also not working at the time of take-off. Magistrate Cure told the court Hector's dishonesty and recklessness were aggravating factors in the incident. "It's obvious to me that this offence shows a level of dishonesty about what he was doing," she said. "He knew that he shouldn't take the risk but did it anyway. "He didn't tell the truth about his training, and did it nonetheless." PHOTO: Shayd Hector and Joel Nelson clung to air mattresses after ditching their ultralight plane in Bass Strait. (ABC) Pilot, passenger still mates, court told The court heard Hector was extremely distressed when he made the mayday call, and was heard saying he "didn't want to die". Magistrate Cure described the call as "chilling". "He was distressed and didn't want to die but that clearly could have happened," she said. "I doubt they could have lasted much longer." Hector's lawyer Evan Hughes told the court Hector was "extremely grateful" to his rescuers. The court heard the incident and subsequent court case had "drained [him] financially", with debts estimated at more than $30,000. Mr Hughes said Hector and Mr Nelson remained good friends and neither suffered long-term injuries.
  18. Met Gus a few times at Stawell and he seems very knowledgeable. If you listen closely you might detect a very slight Tecnam bias..but maybe that isn't such a bad thing. Enjoy your training.
  19. Happened to visit Windytv, wind forecast just now to try to glean just how cloudy the BOMs 'cloudy' forecast for tomorrow was. In the past windytv gave a prediction of what was called 'low cloud' as well and wind speed, direction rain etc. But now to my delight windytv.com newly gives cloud base, (and medium, high, and total cloud if you care) Also a prediction of VFR, MVFR, IFR. Click on "rules" to change the units. This forecast is available by the hour ten days out. Obviously don't trust any weather that far out and be sure to check the official Air services NAIPS - but this is a great tool for initial planning. ...oh the result was crap until midday then contracting to the coast - all beautifully animated. Windytv, wind forecast
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  20. Apparently the Instruction was 20 left. Must have been one wide black strip too far across. Mind you the lack of numbers, piano keys and other markings should have been a clue. Maybe a case of fixation? But then I'll admit to landing on one runway with a white cross at the threshold.
  21. I am curious about mt beauty. Haven't got there myself yet, but it looks like the strip is right next to town and the lake. Maybe a fly-in fishing trip? Also curious about the storch. I have considered them for a potential future purchase but the mtow concerns me. It looks like you can't get much fuel on if you're two up?
  22. I am very interested having some sort of AOA feedback, but I think it would be best if it was audible. Say a slow rate of beep.......... beep........... beep starting as say 60% of critical and increasing to a solid tone just before stall. Think of a vario or reversing sensor type thing. Maybe?
  23. Some Stunning aerial photography. Rural Australia Like You've Never Seen It Before Be sure to check out the video at the bottom of the page. J430 sans rear door.
  24. Glass..... According to some instructors.
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