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Everything posted by BlurE

  1. I read this post with great interest, as it was only a few months back I started circuit training. I was failing miserably with the workload. If I did the radio call I missed the turn, (and often spoke jibbersih on the radio also) if I did downwind checks I overshot my height and I could just not keep on centreline, let along judge that flaring point. But slowly it has improved. Good Instruction helps. Entering my 6th hour in the circuit just this week I was starting to feel a bit more confident. Still every circuit had its own minor deficiencies, (bit high, little off centre, turned a little early/late) But I had got to the stage that I was unphased and simply applied the corrections to make a more or less acceptable standard. But it was totally unexpected when it came. "I'm going to hop-out and I want you to do one more yourself." In that moment I suddenly understood what you guys had all been talking about. Am I ready? I have to trust that my instructor trusts me. But still...? So I was a certainly bit nervous and very, very aware that there was an escalated level of responsibility and consequence. I am glad he didn't give me any warning or time to think too much about it. So off I went. Wow! Not my best circuit, but it is the one I am most proud of. Just about every moment for the rest of the week I have going through it it my mind wanting to do it again. It seems so surreal. Well done Chris, I hope you feel the extra boost of enthusiasm I feel. Good luck with the rest of your training!
  2. Been lurking a while and found lots of interesting reading on the site, so I though I should say hi! Early in my training at the moment (circuts, circuts, circuits...) But finally started after 25 years of "I'll get around to it one day" Enjoying a Tecnam P92 out of Lethbridge- I'm sure a few of you know the plane. Heading down the ra-aus path to start, which seems like a great model for balancing privages with overheads. I'll see where it takes me from there.
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