RD I see where you are coming from and do agree - only up to a point though. Gratuitous insults are not acceptable and even counter productive, however as one of the "offenders" in using the term screwed up, I was addressing my comments not to the pilot who is doubtless all to aware of the fact, but to previous posters who seemed to be pushing the line that "this could happen to any one of us". Granted we can all make mistakes, but I am uncomfortable with a too easy acceptance of poor airmanship. I strongly suspect that if the pilot had missed the wheel and a video of his low flight over the crowd had been posted, the majority of forum members would be baying for his blood and using stronger terms of disapproval. Nev probably summed it up best in his first post on the subject.
I haven't been back to read your account of your own mishap again, however an overriding impression that I took away from reading it in the first place, was that you seemed to be shouldering blame for the incident, even where there seemed to be, to me anyway, some question marks over the role the bent axle may have played. I suspect that your own experience may still be too fresh for a truly objective view on this latest accident - and I mean that in a positive sense in that you may be overidentifying with the hurt the pilot may be feeling.
Rgds Carl