Hi Mark,
Yes I did import and it wasn't all that hard to do, save a couple of small dramas with the shipping documents.
So long as the ac was registered (mine was FAA) and you get the appropriate documentation from the authorities to say it is unregistered, it's all very easy to transfer over to RAA.
The costs were: Inspection, transport (ferry flt), disassembly and packing, container, shipping and insurance, customs clearance and GST ... plus any transport costs back to your airfield and reassembly. I did the reassembly myself but had it check by a LAME and did a full inspection check after the event ( I think the inspection process is now dropped by RAA) but I personally think another set of eyes is worth every cent. The total costs from USA to Aus was about $8k +gst.
I did a direct ship from the West Coast USA, rather than via Singapore (Cheaper), which saved 15 days of sea time but cost $1200 more. I had the engine pickled with oil and crystal absorption spark plugs fitted as well same in the exhaust.
I would recommend that you go and look at the ac and take a good LAME with you to inspect ... I did a lot of prep and made sure I had a comprehensive check list of things to look at. Make sure you weight the ac, mine was spot on, but I have heard of huge dramas with over weight ac from Europe ... don't ever believe the documentation, check everything to make sure. Make sure all modifications are recorded and that all STC and FAA 337 are available ... cross check the logs and docs to make sure everything is correct and accounted for.
Good luck.