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Everything posted by Vev

  1. wonderful story .. thanks for posting
  2. G'day David ... nice to see you here Vev
  3. Nice one Dex Cheers Vev
  4. Hey D11 ...welcome. Love your Jodel ... recall it has Rotec carby fitted too? Cheers Vev
  5. Had a look at these at Natfly and thought they were one of the best looking LSA around, which also seemed to has the performance match. Cheers Vev
  6. Spot on, you have said this much better and captured my intent ... Agree 100%. Cheers Vev
  7. Hi Turbs, Not sure if we are in disagreement about the need for training to improve safety around maintenance ... my argument is about the need to improve accessibility to training. Never the less, I still say that very few ac fall out of the sky because of mechanical failures from bad maintenance, it mostly has to do with other factors... therefore I don't think the RAA needs to apply brakes or restriction to hand out an L1 but improve training. Btw ... not sure I know about the incident at Tyabb you mention, are you sure it was a Subaru and not a Jabiru engined ac? .. I recall Jab powered ac incident like that??? Cheers Vev
  8. I'm all for improving skills and making flying safer ... however I think we need to look at the stats and ask ourselves how many ac are falling out of the sky because of bad or improper maintenance? I suggest not many are and we need to be careful we don't just add another layer of complexity and costs in an area that doesn't need more restrictions or requirements. Alternatively, I think, one of the key issues we need to address, more appropriately, is accessibility to maintenance training ... whilst Steve Bell runs his courses they are infrequent and not always geographically user friendly. May be RAA should consider contracting out the process (user pays) and increase the frequency and velocity of the programmes to as many as possible... I'm sure if this was reasonably priced and focused on the right areas it would be well received. Cheers Vev
  9. Don, I just jumped onto Spruce and you are correct there seems to be quite a number of different panel and other mounting options on the market. Cheers Vev
  10. Hi SP ... you need an ipad with 3G, so the base model is $750 plus just under the $100 mark for the OZrunways software. I use a knee board ... not had any issue with light issues. Cheers Vev
  11. An interesting article about using iPads for navigation charts in commercial airliners. I have been using one in a GA/Raa application for a short time running the locally developed Ozrunways app and find it every bit as good or better than purpose built GPS maps systems I had been using .... I wonder if the ipad is going to be demise of purpose built GPS systems? http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/ipads-for-cockpits-ga-next Cheers Vev
  12. Brilliant Bas ... cant wait to get the upgrade. Like the double tap change on the goto ... I have turned mine off a couple of times by accident. Cheers Vev
  13. Hi Bas, Nice to see you on here ... Btw ... I love my OzRunways Cheers Vev
  14. Frank, An interesting question you have put forward. However rather than I answer you directly, may I suggest you have a read of the lead story in the current Flight Safety magazine "Accidental Justice" Here's the link http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_91346 Cheers Vev
  15. Went for a fly in a Winjeel just recently and found it a delight to fly.... I think these are very underrated warbird. Great photos Scott. Cheers Vev
  16. Vev


    Yes it does look good and seems to address all of the handling issues that has been raised by some. I will have to go and find one to hire for an hour and try for myself. Cheers Vev
  17. Hey Dave, How about starting a new thread and giving us a report on the comp over there ... good luck too as well. Cheers Vev
  18. Vev


    Has anyone had a fly of the new 170D Jab yet? Cheers Vev
  19. Hi Dave/Don, Nice to see you guys here .... keep posting boys. Cheers Vev
  20. Commenting to RD first post ... I agree we need to check our response and our personal impacts on others in our drive to learn more about an incident. Offering respect and treating people with dignity is not just about minimising the psychological harm to an individual.... it also has a lot to do with our need for an open culture and safety, which we as pilots need to foster. I think it's important that we provide an environment to allow people involved in accidents to speak openly and freely about what really happened so that we all learn and not make the same mistakes. Damaging self-confidence or heightening regret of those involved in an incident will only make individuals reluctant to be open and we all end up the poorer because of inappropriate comments. Cheers vev
  21. Hi Guys, Thanks for the input and the interesting discussion. By the sounds of it, there is no dangerous effects from deploying flaps in the turn? Cheers Vev
  22. I was taking the other day with friends and the question of when do we deploy our flaps during configuring for a landing. One of the guys said that he often deploys flaps during his base turn, which is something I have never done and was warned by my instructor not to do some years ago when I learnt to fly... this fellow asked me why he shouldn't deploy flaps in a turn and quite frankly I didn't have a qualified answer... whilst a few people in the discussion made comments, I don't think we cracked it. What do you guys think? Cheers Vev
  23. Hi FT, Glad you are ok ... Don't try and cope with what has happened on your own go and see someone and get some support. Take care Vev
  24. Hi Tomo, One of things I have noticed over the years is a number of old guys that have bought very nice ac and have lost the capacity to fly them, be it confidence or skill. Sometimes all it takes is to offer to go for a fly and they are more than happy to allow you to do the take-off and landing and most of the flying... at the same time you bring a huge smile to them and you get to fly some nice ac for free :big_grin:. Cheers Vev
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