Hi David,
May be I can answer some (not all) of your very good questions re premix and the impact on fuel burn.
Firstly the calorific value of fuel is actually increased owing to the higher density of the two stroke lubricant (approx - fuel 0.7 – 2 S oil 0.88) when blended… additionally there is very small increase in viscosity, which does have an effect on the flow characteristics of the fuel through the jets. The energy value will remain somewhat the same either premix or injected and at a ratio of 50:1 the viscosity change is really very very small … the viscosity is more affected by heat variations.
Just as a matter of interest … generally speaking, as the ratio of 2S oil increases you see a corresponding increase in fuel energy values and usually peaks at around 16:1, which is very rich .. however there are some poor side effects, these being a drop in Octane performance, plug fouling and coaking etc.
Pre-mix has been around long before oil injection and is a reliable method for lubricating a 2 stroke engine … there has been a few exceptions, but mostly premix is considered a very safe method of lubrication.
The main thing to be concerned about premix is its use by date … the shelf life is very short and you will see an accelerated drop in lubrication quality and octane when stored. It’s always best to use fresh.
Btw … Cetane number or index is a diesel fuel measurement which refers to combustion ignition delay and nothing to do with petrol fuels energy.
Hope this helps?