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Everything posted by Vev

  1. Hi Nev, I beleive there only 4 still flying in the world and this is one of them. The earlier 1928 models had the Curtiss OX5 engines but were considered under powered for the airframe, the 1929 had the Wright Whirlwind J-5-6 engine with 165hp. It feels like a time machine flying her around, no radio, only charts and a compass, can't see forward because of a huge pot in the middle of the screen which soon gets covered in grease from the rocker gear. Cheers Vev
  2. Its the real deal, it was restored in 1979 and won the 1980 Silver Wings at Oshkosh and then won it again a few years later. Vev
  3. Hi Ben, I think you’re right and it does have boat tail, with a wooden polished carvel top. When I flew in (it’s my Curtiss) this fellow turned up in this beautiful little car and we both took a photo. Cheers Vev
  4. Bingo Mick, well done. It’s a 1929 Curtiss Robin with a J 5 6 engine. I can give a small hint on the car ... it’s French.
  5. This is an great success ... btw what is the second success? Cheers Vev
  6. Good try Spacesailor, but no cigar this time.
  7. Ok Guys ... what is this aircraft and double points for the car, which I really don't know what it is.
  8. Is it a Lockspeiser?
  9. We should have quite a few of our warbird collection out on Sunday as a bit of a preview for the airshow coming up in March. Jack
  10. Hey Carlos, Buena noches ... looking fwd to seeing you and the team down here again. We have some interesting aircraft lined up, which I'm sure you and your boys will enjoy. Thanks for sharing on FB page :-) Cheers Jack
  11. Hey Neil, Good to hear from you mate. We will have 3 of them .. 2 x Pups and the Snipe. Cheers Vev
  12. That would be great Marty .. good to see you there. Vev
  13. Mike Rudd, who put this together for us, went to a lot of trouble to get the editing right to sync with the music.
  14. The Tyabb Airshow is back on March 11 2018 Preview of the promo video Hope you like it ... let me know? Cheers Vev
  15. Hi Jab who I am quite sure about my facts. Avgas in low in aromatics and low in volatility compared to mogas. It contains < 5% of the aromatics (typically <2%), which is what the kids get high on, however I do concede they do not get high on lead poisoning. All of the work and design done on Opel was using Avgas without the lead, albeit the normal mogas automotive additives are included. In terms of your observations of the residuals from spilling mogas... Mogas has a somewhat wide range of materials and the residues is often the heavy ends that are in the mix as well as some of the additives. The light ends (toluene, xylene etc) will flash off very quickly which is what these poor kids get their high from. Opel and Avgas is almost all Isooctane, low in aromatics (solvents) and low volatility... Opel as a retail product has made a huge difference in slowing the petrol sniffing use. Unfortunately these kids have found new ways to get a high out of petroleum products, which I do not wish to promote and think it best I not mention here. Cheers Vev
  16. Hi Dave, They are both on ... Saturday is the normal sizzle a trophy presentation ... Sunday we have a comp and another sizzle. It's sausage city at Tyabb this weekend! Cheers Jack
  17. Hi Dave, Yes it's on this Saturday. There are a few clubs coming so it should be a good turn up. I'm traveling and will miss out this week. Cheers Jack
  18. I'm surprised to hear these kids are using Avgas to sniff. Avgas is made from just about 100% isooctane, which is extremely low in aromatics and has low volatility. In fact Opel fuel is made from isooctane (Avgas), without the lead, so as to making sniffing almost pointless. All these kids are getting high on is lead poisoning.
  19. I agree Nev. My own observations tells me that people do avoid accessing treatment owing to fears they will be caught up in the AvMed system and forced to spend a small fortune on tests and specialist or even be grounded. I say AvMed is not only ineffective in predicting or preventing future medical related flying incidents i.e. food poisoning, it is counter productive in driving good health management. I feel there is reasonable augment to suggest AvMed could be a root cause in poor medical management ... In my opinion, CASA would do better to encourage pilots to develop more open relationship with the family GP's and their specialist to manage their health in a private and confidential way. After all, we are all responsible every day to make the call if we are fit to fly ... surely we can be given the responsibility to manage ones health under self-certification using the services of my own GP's professional support. Cheers Vev
  20. G'day Alf ... I'm sorry we didn't chat yesterday too. I meant to catch up after the meeting but I took my granddaughter over to have a sit in the AN2 and you had left by the time I got back from the hangar. You know you are always welcome at Tyabb for a BBQ lunch any Saturday. Cheers Vev
  21. I went along and thought that it was worthwhile event.... I suspect there was a better turnout than expected but that is a positive, rather than no one at all, even if the catering was a little under sized. Personally I thought the input from both Michael and Darren was informative and open. It was clear, in my mind, that strategically they are trying to position the RAA to compete within a new set of environments (RPL) to retain and grow the membership via new privileges such as higher weight limits and control airspace access. Equally, retaining the old platforms to support the rag and tube aircraft in which RAA was founded. I was pleased to hear they are reacting to the regulators from a base of factual data and evidence, which will be important to set the arguments around retaining or current medicals self-certifications process. This is an area that does worry me and something we should all provide feedback to the RAA that we want them to fight tooth and nail to retain. I think these engagements are good and I say keep rolling them out to the members... I'm pleased I went and thanks to Lethbridge and the members for hosting the day! Cheers Vev
  22. Hi Nobody, Good on you for writing to your member. Btw ... it is Adam Bandt (not Bant). I have just read the Bill .... my interpretation of it says it is not just the CBD limited to 2000m, it is all of Melbourne Residential Areas (See 10B (2) (a)) and makes no allowance or exemption for aircraft taking-off or landing. The whole thing is a complete nonsense! Cheers Vev 16198Bandt.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf.pdf 16198Bandt.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf.pdf 16198Bandt.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf.pdf
  23. Hi Jon.. I sold it earlier this year. Cheers Vev
  24. Hi Kaz ... I thought there was already an Aircraft Noise Ombudsman in place? Aircraft Noise Ombudsman It makes me wonder how how much understanding of the Regulations the Greens have before they begin the journey? Cheers Vev
  25. You’re invited and hope as many of you can attend this important discussion regarding the progress on Class 2 Medicals as well as other important aviation issues. No landing fees, fuel available and a BBQ lunch. All welcome. Cheers Vev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AOPA Victorian Forum Peninsula Aero Club - Tyabb Airport (YTYA) 11:30am, Saturday 19th November 2016 AOPA Members and Industry Supporters, I would like to extend an invitation to all our AOPA members and industry supporters to attend the AOPA Victorian Forum in partnership with our friends at the Peninsula Aero Club, Tyabb Airport, on the 19th November 2016! The event will start at 11:30am with a BBQ lunch meet and greet, run by the friendly members of the Peninsula Aero Club (bring your gold coins), which will then be followed at 1pm by the forum discussion. AOPA DISCUSSIONS WILL INCLUDE: - Restructuring AOPA for success - Push for Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification reform - Transport Minister Chester’s general aviation review - Youth Ambassadors and AOPA Cessna 152 advocacy fleet - AOPA Towards 2017 and beyond - Open Q&A with AOPA leadership Of particular interest will be an update on the progress AOPA is making on the call for Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification reform, an important advocacy issue that affects all general aviation pilots in Australia. If you have not already signed the AOPA Class 2 Policy Petition, copies will be available on the day to sign - be part of change and sign your name in support. The AOPA Victorian Forum event will be a great opportunity to meet the AOPA team and to learn more about the new and exciting initiatives that AOPA Australia will be delivering into 2017 and beyond. For those flying in, please check the ERSA and note particular attention to the fly neighbourly requirements and most importantly fly safe!
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