You’re invited and hope as many of you can attend this important discussion regarding the progress on Class 2 Medicals as well as other important aviation issues.
No landing fees, fuel available and a BBQ lunch.
All welcome.
AOPA Victorian Forum
Peninsula Aero Club - Tyabb Airport (YTYA)
11:30am, Saturday 19th November 2016
AOPA Members and Industry Supporters,
I would like to extend an invitation to all our AOPA members and industry supporters to attend the AOPA Victorian Forum in partnership with our friends at the Peninsula Aero Club, Tyabb Airport, on the 19th November 2016!
The event will start at 11:30am with a BBQ lunch meet and greet, run by the friendly members of the Peninsula Aero Club (bring your gold coins), which will then be followed at 1pm by the forum discussion.
- Restructuring AOPA for success
- Push for Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification reform
- Transport Minister Chester’s general aviation review
- Youth Ambassadors and AOPA Cessna 152 advocacy fleet
- AOPA Towards 2017 and beyond
- Open Q&A with AOPA leadership
Of particular interest will be an update on the progress AOPA is making on the call for Class 2 Private Pilot Medical Certification reform, an important advocacy issue that affects all general aviation pilots in Australia.
If you have not already signed the AOPA Class 2 Policy Petition, copies will be available on the day to sign - be part of change and sign your name in support.
The AOPA Victorian Forum event will be a great opportunity to meet the AOPA team and to learn more about the new and exciting initiatives that AOPA Australia will be delivering into 2017 and beyond.
For those flying in, please check the ERSA and note particular attention to the fly neighbourly requirements and most importantly fly safe!