Check the pedals and make sure they are free.... there was also an AD on the rudder pedals.... see jab site for details
Quote from Jab;
"When adjusted to the most rearward position (i.e. that suitable for shorter pilots) and pressed to
full rudder deflection, the pilot can experience a situation equivalent to rudder pedal overcentering
and locking. For example, when the pilot uses full left rudder to turn the aircraft at the
end of the runway, then presses the right rudder pedal to straighten onto the runway heading it
can feel as though the control has locked. This effect can be exaggerated by the pilot’s shoes –
thick, heavy soled shoes with deep tread tend to snag on the pedal more than thin-soled
RA-Aus Airworthiness Notice AN161008-1-1 also refers. This Jabiru Bulletin has been
prepared to provide additional information to owners and supersedes the RA-Aus Notice".