It makes one wonder how and why these MTOW were decided. Notwithstanding structural limitation of a particular ac, weight capping within the scope of RAA limits is hard to rationalise in my mind.
I completely get max stall of 45knts ... lower stall has an impact on safety over many levels and is also consistent with observing overall crash survivabilty ie seats, cabin integrity etc. higher stall will require greater consideration for strength to protect occupants.
Come Sept we will have access to VH aircraft with a switch over to RPL that will allow lawful flight of >1500kg aircraft, that is, following a flight review etc. This suggest to me a vote of confidence in our training and abilities to safely use heavier aircraft.
RAA provides us many wonderful privlages, one of which is self maintenance, which I personally enjoy and learn from. Additional the medical requirement help many that would otherwise be grounded. RPL will not allow owner maintenance (save owner built experimental) and drivers lic med will also lock out many too.
If we can now lawfully fly a RAA ac at 650kg, just because it has floats or a hull, why shouldn't we allow 650kg Aircraft across the board. I would argue that an additional increase in weight would provide more safety (greater strength and durability) ... Indeed why isn't RAA & CASA revisiting MTOW for RAA ac, in light of RPL caps, and consider higher weights that still observe 45 knot stall.
I know these consideration have been out there for a number of years, but surely the argument is become more irrational as time passes not to revisit this again in light of the RPL impacts.
Just my opinion .. Looking forward to hearing your views?