Got back today after a great few days at Natfly, I took the long way home and spent another day flying around northern Vic in my old Ercoupe .. Lots of great ac to look at and many interesting people to talk to.
I was ramped checked on arrival by 4 CASA people who were friendly and made it clear it was an educational exercise. They found two small issues but no big deal. They did accept my Ozrunways nav and back up with paper charts, although didn't like me air printing my track off my iPad. They also informed me I can use a mini iPad as a primary nav tool with either mini or full size iPad as a back up.
Attended a number of the forums, including he RAA GM. I listen to all that spoke from the board ... I particularly thought the Rat, who in my view, made a lot of sense. He (Rat) has not only put some positive tension into the organisation but appears to be developing the pathway to build a more sustainable organisation. There is a way to go before things are put right but I do believe they have stopped the free fall. I believe the board is reacting and good people like the Rat need our support to continue to show the way.
Also attended the dinner, which was utterly boring .. It felt like a smoko night at the local footy club. One day they might learn to stop patting each other on the back and do something entertaining .. I think this is the last RAA dinner I will ever attend unless they change the format... I'd rather stay on the AD and watch videos on the back wall of a hangar with my mates.
I managed to catch up with a few friends on this forum and also met a few new in person for the first time .. Always fun to put a face to a name and talk about planes.