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Everything posted by Stevo3k

  1. True that!! Good night!!!
  2. Would be a great feeling seeing all the work come together. Robinvale is on the Murray river on the vic side. Close to Mildura. Quite a small town. Not much in the way of full size action. Plenty in Mildura though.
  3. Or come on mate.. No knickers in knots.. Anyway, checked out you website.. Fantastic!! I see you are a modeller as well. We have a very active club here.. Hard to time to fit it all in.good luck with the rest of the build. Will be a beautiful aircraft when finished!!
  4. Mate, I think you have missed what was being said. Not trying to compare with other years. If you don't want to support it don't.. It's up to the individual. I was just saying its a shame that people feel the need to run it down. That doesn't seem to be moving forward. You say don't dismiss others then you shitcan other peoples opinons.. You say we are the bleeding hearters. Did you not read your first post? What's your story. Just a keyboard hero or just a shit stirrer? Either way I'll play....
  5. Don't think my head is in the sand? Camped under the wing of the old 172 at mangalore with my Dad in the 80's and been going to air shows and fly- ins ever since..Been involved with aviation since my earliest memories. Not trying to dismiss anyone's views. Just saying the negatives are not doing anything good.. I had a great weekend. Sorry to anyone that takes offence at the fact I enjoyed myself. I promise to NOT enjoy the next RA Aus event I attend. I will write a report on how the organisers failed us. Will that please the masses??
  6. Will do mate!!
  7. G'day Andy, I totally agree with you on that. My post was more directed at the people just folding there arms and saying bugger it, I'm in the shits with what's happening so I'm not going to Natfly and I'm gunna tell everyone it's not worth going and stuff everyone.. As it has been said before, that attitude rubs off and pretty soon we will have no fly-in to either go to or whinge about. I have concerns about many things regarding our organisation. That being said why let that get in the way of a great weekend. Just enjoy it for what it is and support it..
  8. G'day Matty.. I will give him a call. I haven't heard much on the situation other than it's going to be sorted soon.. Be great to remove the 450 sticker.. Cheers mate!!
  9. Looked fantastic hey. Very nice workmanship. Saw him depart Sunday morn.
  10. It's sad that so many on here only post negative thoughts on both Natfly and the whole organisation. Do you also attend the meetings and offer realistic options for some of these problems we are facing?? It happens to all of us. I have been held up by rego issues. My MTOW has been reduced to 450 at the moment. Rather than sit at home and sook/make stupid comments ( like my 5 yo daughter would) I went to Natfly and had a bloody fantastic time. The weather was perfect, the lunchtime displays we excellent and the vibe was happy.. As for the ramp checks, do the right thing.. It's really not that hard. I'm probably gunna get grumbled at for these comments but after having a great weekend and wanting to share it on here with others that love aviation most of what I see is sad and pathetic. If you are really that over all the hiccups we face I'm sure the golf club down the road is looking for members. You can whinge about the green fees and those evil people the check your card after a comp.......
  11. Hi all, great to see many active members chucking ideas around on here. I have only just found this site. Both myself and my Eurofox 24-8180 live in Robinvale( YROI). Pretty quiet little aerodrome.. Always loved aviation and have flown models from the age of 10.. If your over flying Robinvale and see the doors open (hangar closest to rw 12) drop in for a cuppa!!
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