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Everything posted by Roscoe

  1. Yep am aware of that. Seems unusual that on a one hour flt down the coast to Wollongong there was no GPS fix. Flying again soon so will check it regularly
  2. Ok thanks Kevin My TRIG ModeS Txp not equipped as you describe. I only have a Garmin Aera500 portable GPS in the panel. Just thinking that my SE device, even though switched on, may not have had a GPS fix during the flight.
  3. Just getting back to my orginal issue of flightaware not recording my flight last saturday, where does flightaware get its info from? Skyecho? Transponder?
  4. So back to topic, the accident, from what i gather, the Cessna did not appear on flightaware or adsb exchange
  5. Thanks again Kev SE battery was full, cant recall if i noticed other targets. I run Avplan. Will be flying shortly so will check again
  6. Thanks Kev To save thread drift, I have posted another query in the Instruments:Avionics Forum which you may be able to help with
  7. Would appreciate comments on this issue… My flights have always shown up on flightaware in the past, but last sat 26th, nothing after an hours flight. Skyecho was definately turned on, and Trig ModeS txp also on. ADSB exchange recorded flight. A friend flying at same time in same area showed up on flightaware as usual. Any thoughts?
  8. How do you get the speed and alt? I have Skyecho, and when i tap the plane, it just shows callsign and track
  9. Ok, now lets just wait for the ATSB Report.
  10. Not uncommon for Retired Airline Pilots to still be referred to as Capt. The photo of Capt Criddle shows the older style uniform which Qantas replaced a few years ago
  11. Hi Nev Just to clarify. The Oaks uses 126.7 CTAF Camden twr use 120.1 Syd Centre is 124.55 Most aircraft are on Syd Centre when outside the vicinity of The Oaks. So it depends on the type of operation being flown as to what frequency you are on. Camden also have Gliders to the south of their airport so its not uncommon to check in with camden twr when transitting. You really have to think and plan carefully in that whole airspace
  12. The Oaks and Camden are within my operating area, and the Oaks can get very busy on weekends. Its not unusual on a training flight or flight test to practice simulated emergencies at the Oaks. I was flying south east of the Oaks on Saturday and it was very choppy below 3000ft which may have contributed to pilot distraction in both cases.
  13. I was told it was a CPL Licence test flight so 2 pob
  14. Actually, Circuit height at Camden is 1300ft. Aircraft are usually instructed to enter the Camden CTA at 1800 ft and then cleared for a visual approach. Their are notes on the chart regarding overflying the Oaks not below 2500ft. The 182 may have been doing a practice forced landing or precautionary search procedure at the Oaks and not monitoring their CTAF 126.7 or had the volume turned down.
  15. Agree however Jenny just wanted a basic unit providing basic information. For a VFR Pilot the D3 is a good option.
  16. I have a cable from the cig lighter outlet to the Dynon which keeps it charged while the engine is running, so fully charged all the time
  17. Hi Jenny The Dynon does everything i need and can be removed easily if required. Its your choice, but unless you really need something fancy, cant go past the Dynon D3. Hasnt let me down in almost 10 years
  18. May be easier and simpler to buy something like a TRIG Com Radio which you can put in monitor mode and then transmit on either freq when desired.
  19. Try this… Phone Bankstown Tower, give them AN ETA and ask permission to come in NO RADIO. If you have a Headset with Bluetooth capability you could phone the Tower at one of the reporting points and they will talk you in. To confirm this,I just phoned the tower and they said no prob! PM me with your phone number if you want further advice and help
  20. Mate if you PM me I can help you with all the info as I have been there multiple times. Happy to phone you.
  21. Uni of Wisconsin Oshkosh has all that info. Go to LODGING tab
  22. Mine works fine mounted with good quality Velcro in the space above the top of the window in my J170. The Antenna has no problems receiving GPS signals in that position as the composite structure does not block them. It’s out of the way and solves the suction cup issue. Just have to remember to turn it off!
  23. I seem to recall a law that came in years ago that required all aircraft parked outside had to be disabled by a lock. Piper Warriors have a unique throttle lock arrangement. Jabirus have a hole in the throttle line through which a padlock can be installed.
  24. NEV I accept that Airline Crews need a high level of Security. My issue is the private pilot who lands and just wants to go into town to support the community! Why should they have to pay hundreds of dollars every 2 years for a Card they are never asked to show! Surely a Pilots licence woukd suffice?
  25. I enourage everyone to read my first post on this issue and form their own opinion. and YES i hold a cuurent ASIC!!
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