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Everything posted by Roscoe

  1. I cannot believe what I have just read! I will compose a reply when my rage has dissipated!!
  2. Correct, the pax has to be in the company of the Asic wearing pilot
  3. Your first paragraph is correct
  4. Will check and advise I assume you mean the specific airport and the year?
  5. Well a friend of mine landed at a Security Airport a couple of years ago, and before he opened the door to get out and refuel, he was accosted for his ASIC! He had it in his bag and was berated for not wearing it!
  6. Consider this scenario… You land at a Security Controlled Airport. You shut down and are about to head into Town, when a person strolls over and demands to see your ASIC. You say, Sir (or Madam) I demand to see the paperwork giving you the authority to see my ASIC! After the stunned look disappears from the apparent Officials face you say…. SIR, you are upsetting and harrassing an Aircraft Captain, and I demand to exit the Airport without further interrogation. Silly scenario I know, however we shouldnt have to go through this possibility when landing at an Airport and simply wanting to go into Town and support the local economy!
  7. Not difficult to descend fron 2500ft to 1800ft from the Oaks inbound to Camden……anyway, off topic, discussion is about different circumstances at another Airport
  8. It was more the comment about TRAINEES INSTRUCTED TO KEEP HEADS DOWN and DONT GO ABOVE CCT ALT that stirred me up!
  9. Sorry thats rubbish! Take a look at the VFR Charts for the notation that describes the procedure for overfly not below 2500ft. CCT Alt at the Oaks is 1900ft. Where did this info come from??
  10. Hi all I recently noticed a low CHT reading on No 1 Cyl in cruise. Engine is a Gen 3 2200 in my Jabiru J170D. The temps usually sit around 140deg on all Cyl but the last few flights No 1 Cyl is bouncing around between 95 and 105deg. I have checked the wire connection to the cylinder which looks intact, but haven’t gone any further at present. I have also been advised to put the probe into boiling water and check the gauge reading but haven’t had the chance yet. At this stage I am assuming maybe a broken or chafed wire between the gauge and the Cyl probe. The instrument is the MGL grey Bar type EGT/CHT display. Just asking if anybody else had this issue and the resolution.
  11. Thanks for your help Nev. May try a test Post then delete it. Pity one has to search menus to perform a simple delete function
  12. Tried that Nev and there was no DELETE option
  13. Im sure I can recall a button that said “reason for deletion” and you could just type “error” and the Post would disappear. Anyway,it seems we dont have it now but I think we should. IAN any comment??
  14. red just to clarify, there is no option for users to delete a Post. There USED to be a time limit with an option, but not any more.
  15. Nev i tried to delete immediately I finished typing and hit SEND
  16. Yes we used to be able to delete ourselves. red750 why the change?
  17. Thanks red.
  18. Hi, just posted a story in the Instruments/Avionics topic and cant seem to be able to delete it. Can you delete it for me or tell me how? thanks
  19. Gen 3. New Breaker on the way.
  20. I know exactly how you felt!
  21. Thanks Glen I started up, turned on the Avionics Master and after 5 mins of taxiiing at low RPM, stopped and noticed the blank avionics data before running up and doing pre take off checks. Shut down and then noticed the popped breaker. Re set it, started up again, and all normal after that.
  22. Thanks Skippy, its a 10amp thing. Will get a new breaker anyway in case it happens again
  23. Just to clarify, only items connected to the Avionics Bus, is MGL CHT/EGT gauge, fuel scanner, 1 Radio, Transponder.
  24. Hi all Shortly after start up, the Avionics Circuit Breaker on my 9 yo Jabiru popped for the first time ever, I lost all my electrics. Pressed it back in, and everything returned to normal, short flight with no issues. I did not have any extra load on at start up, and I always switch on the Avionics Master with engine running. Apart from a faulty Circuit Breaker, any thoughts on what may have caused the breaker to pop? Thanks
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