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Everything posted by Roscoe

  1. And Shajen, what does the voltmeter do when you press the mic switch and Do you have same problem with engine off?
  2. Ok here is the reply I received today A MINIMUM NON FLYING MEMBERSHIP IS TO BE MAINTAINED WITH RAA for an L2 The question i asked was if a LAME had to be an RAA member to act as an L2
  3. Have Emailed RAA tonight. Will post reply when received.
  4. Thanks Kasper No, I am not a LAME but in the past I have had LAME,S tell me they cannot do work on my Aircraft because they do not hold L2 quals and are not RAA members. I have recently obtained L1 quals, so now I can get a LAME to do work that i am not confident or competant to perform, and sign it off myself. For the record, I own a LSA Factory built aircraft not used in a Flying School. The only area which remains unclear, is if the LAME has to be an RAA member, which hasnt been spelt out. I trust my interpretation is correct.
  5. On a quick read of the Amendments, am I correct in assuming that a LAME automatically gets L2 approval?
  6. I have printed copies of the Manuals. Got them a few months ago from the RAA Shop. I assume the amended Manuals will be available in the same way?
  7. Marty I dont think mine will work. Note the edges in my photo only fit an ipad mini, No spring to enlarge for larger ipad
  8. Further to my last post, I have the earlier version of it, specifically built for the Ipad Mini. I dont use it anymore, as I prefer Suction Cup RAM Attachment. PM me if you are interested in purchasing, $50 plus postage. Will send photo if you wish.
  9. Further to my last post, I have the earlier version of it, specifically built for the Ipad Mini. I dont use it anymore, as I prefer Suction Cup RAM Attachment. PM me if you are interested in purchasing, $50 plus postage. Will send photo if you wish.
  10. Further to my last post, I have the earlier version of it, specifically built for the Ipad Mini. I dont use it anymore, as I prefer Suction Cup RAM Attachment. PM me if you are interested in purchasing, $50 plus postage. Will send photo if you wish.
  11. I have one. As far as I know, only available from Sportys Pilot shop in the USA. The freight cost is prohibitive.
  12. The Bankstown fleet was Hangared
  13. No sorry. The Pickles bloke in charge is GAVIN and you could contact him on the Pickles website aviation section. He was taking phone calls while i was there and didnt get a chance to speak to him
  14. There were at least 15 Aircraft there, they presented very well. All had full glass instrumentation, all were polished up to a mirror shine. Foxbats, Bristells, Tecnams,, Aquila, and a Tecnam Twin. Interestingly, at 2pm I was the only tyre kicker in attendance
  15. Well i dropped in to the viewing this arvo and was told all paperwork was available for perusal.
  16. The Jabiru Manuals give clear guidance. As mentioned earlier, the specific Aircraft Manufacturer is the source. I dont think RAA can help with this, give them a call to confirm the above.
  17. Is anyone aware of AOPAs position on this issue?
  18. A flight from Bankstown, Camden, or The Oaks to Orange under this proposal would be an impossibly dangerous exercise. Who would want to sneak over Katoomba at 1500AGL in a Westerly wind over 15 kts? It can be very rough in that area when there is very little wind. This Proposal affects any flyer on the East coast wanting to fly anywhere west. I just cannot understand the thinking behind this Proposal.
  19. In the RAA response to Airservices received today, it talks about Dual Monitor single VHF Radios not acceptable. Dont know why ?
  20. Like I said, maybe a handheld 2nd comm would satisfy this, but i cant see a possibility of the 2 Radio requirement getting up
  21. I cant see the 2 Radio requirement being mandatory. In fact this whole Class E matter will need need to be revised with CASA involvement.
  22. Would a Handheld Transceiver satisfy the 2 VHF Radio requirement? Just a thought!
  23. Thats a good video and pretty much a carbon copy of my flight last year. As long as you are prepared, like this Crew, its a great experience!
  24. Mine was also into Canberra as part of the final 5 hour Nav for the PPL. In those days you had to demonstrate competancy in landing at a Primary Control Zone Airport. After achieving the PPL, I did many flights into Sydney for the proverbial Cup of Coffee, no fees of course, and one memorable time they let me taxi my Cherokee to the Intl Terminal, escorted us up the Bridge, and let us wander around at will. Then it was back to the Royal Aero Club at Bankstown where Gentlemen were required to wear ties after 6pm! This was the early 70s. What memories!!
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