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Bob Llewellyn

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Everything posted by Bob Llewellyn

  1. Labour content? the Drifter iswas very labour intensive...
  2. ...perhaps a noce... Urrgh!"; as a spray of frozen peas riccochetted off one of Andy's frozen turds and nearly decrapitated the speaker...
  3. depends on the fatty gue life under training loads... it's a challenge to get the stress levels low enough in the weight limits...
  4. ...get on with another trench (where, FFS?). Meanwhile, Ratty had visited his local shrink, who had prescribed viagra, which had given the Ratmeister to think filthily (NTTAWWT)...
  5. in fact, Ida and Madge had been up to something between themselves to while away the Turbo-less hours... meantime Ratso had bought a collection of cheap DVD filth on Ebay, and was getting hot and sweaty just
  6. The ASTM doesn't require it, but CAR 3 / FAR 23 require an aeroplane be landable with - from memory - any primary control system failed. The Thruster is not a good look with control failure...
  7. ..n action hero! (sort of...)", as he had another hot flush. "Babe, you're hot!" drawled the SniLyHi, filing her nails and yawning. Just then, a vision in sequinned shirt and hot pants strolled up... it was
  8. ...flex his rubber bands. "Here, look you" said Bobbb, holding out a small cardboard box, "these newfangled X-rings work twice as fast and hurt 4 times as much as the old..." Eeeeurgh! said Ratty, knees together and hands over his crotch (medref). There was a sharp crack sound made by the air rushing into the vacuum where the 4-incher had been...
  9. ...yawn widely.
  10. negotiating a pay rise (and negotiation styles were crude on those days), but...
  11. ...Thruster in a 200kt tailwind (AVREF)". "Cor!" said Brackish, "you don't half have a tailwind yourself (toilet humour ref). "Do not!" said Madge indignantly, "they don't meet recreational stall speed requirements..."(AVREF). The Caboolture oracle peeked back into the room. "You should spray for all these b***y REFs!" he said, then...
  12. executive fat-arsed productive heavy-lifting taxpayer (economyref) class, and in any case the fat would use up the weight allowance for the gold leaf. "But wait!" said Roice Roles, "we have new engines, that..."
  13. It's a warning to us all that our "due diligence" better be a lot more suspicious, and perhaps even a bit more conservative. I'm pretty sure my membership fees aren't used to pay a set of technical experts... I thought RAAus's job was to allow us to fly at minimum expense and maximum personal responsibility. Engineering Services in CASA tried, and eventually failed, to provide engineering expertise in GA for this sort of issue; because the administrator's job is not consistent with maintaining up-to-date expertise on everything. It doesn't matter how good the people are, they can't do two jobs at once. I suggest we start a new thread to inform this community on the subject of battery options; there seems to be enough interest?
  14. ...introduce the signature event, a discourse on this course by the famed aviation chef...
  15. ...Boxers, they're blinding". "But... the Lightwing isn't powered by a Boxer!" said some precocious kid. "No, look you!" said some short-arse Welsh figure. "Lightwings used to be 2-stroke, the ONLY engine choice for true Ultralighters!..." at which point, two plods grabbed him. "What's all this...then?" asked one, checking his policing manual. "You a superlighter, eh? TOTAL FIRE BAN, nyahaha..." as they dragged him away. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" said Madge in a voice of thinder, followed by a shriek as he stepped into space...
  16. ...uuurgh!" as he was gently elbowed in the guts by Ben Tley. ""tey" is a corruption of the high Saxon "Tley" said Ben, which means "full of spunk"; "saf" is a norse word, m..." but he was cut off by tubso's choking fit. "That choking really fits you well!" said E'paulette. "Perhaps a bit of bling as well?"
  17. The crash sequence from "Flying High" comes to mind...
  18. For a 600kg aeroplane with an aspect ratio of 7.0 and a (clean) stall speed of 45kts, the speed at which a design gust will cause a 4G event is ~120kt by CAR 3; ~103kts by the ASTM (LSA); or ~90kts using the LSA formula and the results of the old DCA Australian gust spectrum survey. Note that the 45kt minimum stall speed is unique to Australia; for a fully ASTM-compliant unflapped LSA aeroplane (40kt stall), the 4g event speed becomes ~101kts (CAR 3); ~91kts (LSA / FAR 23); and ~75 kts using the LSA formula with the DCA mean gust. Generally speaking, the 100hp class of LSA aeroplanes designed for cruise (rather than STOL) have higher power-to-weight ratios than "traditional" aeroplanes, and so push the edges of their gust envelopes. Of course the actual figures change with aspect ratio, twist, and planform; but not by very much. I was going to post a couple of graphs, but the site won't let me...
  19. Aw, what are you blokes on about? I reckon those duplicate Su-25s that are turning up in Iran are a recycled Boeing product, and as there's only one missing Boeing... the timescale's about right too. OBVIOUSLY the oil rig worker was bribed, and the satellite info was interfered with by a death ray based in South America. It wouldn't have happened if James Bond hadn't retired...
  20. I don't have a Lightwing, but I have some knowledge of them. 65kt IAS wouldn't surprise me as an economical cruise speed, particularly the wooden prop version. This might well translate to 70~72kts TAS... for your $35k, you're getting a full welded steel tube fuselage designed for exceptional crashworthiness, 6061-T6 aluminium wing structure, and no worries about stability or control power under any loading situation. The structural life is also indefinite for the fuselage, and pretty near so for the wing structure. I believe the single strut option ended up gaining virtually nothing, which just means the 2-strut version had the second strut in the right place. As the cruise speed goes up as the cube root of the power, and a strut-braced Drifter on a 582 will do little better than 65~68kts IAS, I'm not sure why a Lightwing should be much faster.... they had to meet the original silly low stall speed of 40kts, remember...
  21. langorous lingerie and lissom limbs...", at which point he began to sweat in a most unattractive way...
  22. "Ahhh.... g'day", real suave like...
  23. nether or groinal regions, which causes a lee wave...
  24. ...Uurgh!" he said, as he slumped to the carpet. "You owe me money" growled Rattus at the semi-conscious Mockbell-Williams slumped to the floor. "Eeeek" squealed Nana, "a Rat! Oh, it's you...". A series of shocks shook the hotel, and madge grabbed Nana and tried to take shelter under the coffee table. Ratty leaped to the window, and said "It's just Clive Handjob running towards a banana split!". At that very moment...
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