I don't have a Lightwing, but I have some knowledge of them. 65kt IAS wouldn't surprise me as an economical cruise speed, particularly the wooden prop version. This might well translate to 70~72kts TAS... for your $35k, you're getting a full welded steel tube fuselage designed for exceptional crashworthiness, 6061-T6 aluminium wing structure, and no worries about stability or control power under any loading situation. The structural life is also indefinite for the fuselage, and pretty near so for the wing structure.
I believe the single strut option ended up gaining virtually nothing, which just means the 2-strut version had the second strut in the right place.
As the cruise speed goes up as the cube root of the power, and a strut-braced Drifter on a 582 will do little better than 65~68kts IAS, I'm not sure why a Lightwing should be much faster.... they had to meet the original silly low stall speed of 40kts, remember...