Ok I'm off to bed, very upset from tonight's events and hoping for some news in the morning. Here is a summary of what happened based upon my monitoring of Brisbane Centre:
- The Cessna aircraft initially reported itself as lost-in-cloud with structural damage and a burning smell in the cabin. Not sure what caused all this as that was never stated.
- The aircraft tracked north where another aircraft reported the skies were clearer, so the pilot could descend below the cloud base. Despite this the pilot did not appear to know where he was.
- The pilot and the controller spent some time talking while Brisbane Centre attempted to get the aircraft on the radar. The controller got a return on the aircraft around Bribie Island. so the pilot spent some time contemplating whether to land at Caloundra or Sunshine Coast airport.
- Things seemed like they would work out for a while but over time the pilot became concerned about the structural integrity of the aircraft for landing (he reported sloppy flight controls), and seemed to become consumed by stress. The controller did a very good job at calming the pilot but in the end the pilot became very delusional and seemed unable to answer simple questions.
- The pilot then reported an engine fire which he suppressed with a fire-retardant. Shortly after, he reported smoke in the cabin and claimed he could no longer see the instrument panel. The controller suggested opening the window and applying an oxygen mask, to no intelligible response.
- There was silence for a few minutes before some inaudible transmissions were broadcast from the aircraft.
- The final transmission I heard was at around 11pm, the pilot broadcast: "We're gone, we're gone, tell em I love em!". This transmission was very clear and loud.
- Brisbane Centre spent the next half an hour attempting to contact the aircraft with no response.
- Brisbane Departures rerouted a Toll Express aircraft and Singapore Airlines aircraft via Bribie Island to look for a crash site and intercept an emergency beacon. The Toll Express aircraft reported nothing but Singapore Airlines claimed it heard a transmission on the emergency frequency.
- There was some brief chatter that two commercial aircraft were speaking with the downed aircraft on the emergency frequency. Someone definitely mentioned "we spoke with him to the end" but that may have been the controller.
- Around 1am a Wedgetail aircraft from Amberley, and Rescue 500 from Brisbane, departed for the Bribie Island area. The Wedgetail aircraft didn't stay long and neither did Rescue 500, although the Wedgetail aircraft reported that they were speaking with a boat which led me to believe the aircraft had been downed in in water.
That was all, Resuce 500 returned to Archerfield around 1:30am.