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Everything posted by gavinl

  1. SkyRanger? They seem to win a few world championships.:))
  2. There are quite a few SkyRangers on floats in the USA. You can check them out at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/skyranger/ and search for floats. There are two main options for floats. Full Lotus Floats are popular, (http://www.full-lotus.com/index_new.html) but most seem to go for Puddlejumper amphibian floats: http://www.puddlejumper.com/eindex.html If you chat with Patrick he can suggest which planes they have found the best suited to float flying. There are all different types including: Challengers, Jabirus (they call them a Calypso there), Titan Tornados, etc. When I last spoke to Patrick he suggested that the Jab is very good because it can cruise at a fast speed (over 100Knts)and is composite in construction (good for salt water), however he said they need a fair bit of room as it takes a while to get off the water. Canadians seem to go for Challengers and Americans like the Skyrangers. The latter is favoured due to its low empty weight (my is only 251 kgs) and ability to get off the water quickly. I would think that the Savannah or Foxbat would have similar abilities in that regard. Apparently they have a competition in Nth America every year to determine which plane can get up the quickest and in the shortest distance...landing is also rated. :) Hope this helps gav PS: NZ has a Bantam on 14 foot puddlejumpers that seems to go well. PSS: if you have a trike endorsement than there is a trike/boat out called the Ramphos, which looks interesting (http://www.ramphos.com/e/home.html)
  3. I use both Ozi and PocketFMS. Both are very good, but PocketFMS is probably better in my opinion as you can keep the some detail regardless of whether you are in a VTC or WAC area. With Ozi and maptrax maps, when you fly over areas not covered by VTCs, the programme automatically uses the closest WAC, which is not that detailed compared to pocketfms maps. Ozi has the advantage though as when you are in controlled space, the maptrax maps show the actual heights very clearly, whereas in pocketfms you can see the control area, but the actual heights aren't as clear. Hope this helps gav:)
  4. Hi Matthew:) No worries mate. I should be home in early Jan and am 1 hr South of Mackay (just passed Koumala) - 5 kms off the hwy. Drop by with your family and have a coffee, check out the plane and if the weather's suitable, we'll go for a fly. Just send me a pm and I'll give you the contact details. gav :)
  5. Hi Just guessing that the power required and the consequent fuel use would not make it a desirable option. The time it would be needed most would usually be while doing checks or taxiing, which would also be the worse time for the engine as it would be quite a drain at idle revs. The extra weight would not be welcomed either. If a pilot is warm, most times they could always fly a little higher. gav :)
  6. Hi Jason:) I am very happy with my SkyRanger at 62 hours. I also fly off a small strip (340m) with a downslope of at least 3 degrees. I am a new pilot however, so can't offer you too much in the way of comparisons. Other planes I have flown include a Jabiru, Skyfox Gazelle and Bantam. Personally, I really enjoyed the VSTOL performance of the Bantam and the angle coming into to land. The Skyranger can't land in as short a space as the bantam, but it' not too shabby considering it also cruises at 75-80 at 4500rpm with a Rotax 100hp - I have the long wing with dacron, but heard that the short wing with xlam is a fair bit quicker. The take offs are again, not as short as a bantam (which seems to be able to go up in about 40m), but I am off the ground and climbing quickly at 100-140m. I find the SkyRanger easy to fly as a new pilot, with my main difficulty getting used to the yaw if adding throttle when landing - but this is sorted pretty quickly and seems to be a result of the larger Rotax engine. I bought my kit through Jean-Claude and he was excellent. I am also very impressed with Tony (who I've meet once), who helped me fix an aileron (hanger rash) in one day (travelled from Caloundra to Southport), by driving me to an aluminium machinist who did a good job at a reasonable job. If you would like to ask any further questions, just send me a PM. gav:) PS: you can always join the SkyRanger forum at yahoo groups, where you will find a large number of members, who are willing to help. Both the US and UK distributors are also on the site and know exectly what they are talking about.
  7. Thanks J:)
  8. G'day Ian I suppose the question is cost, convenience and strength and what degree of each is most important to you. I went through this process about 2 years ago and found the most difficult task was to get a well-priced shed with cyclone ratings and someone to build it. I noticed that as soon as the shed changed to a 'hangar' the price seemed to go up drastically. This change in terminology usually revolved around an open span of 12m and hangar doors. In the end, I ended up getting help to build it from relatives and a shed builder, used crusher dust mixed in with cement for the floor and used a centre mullion design with 2 x 5.5 metre roller doors. The whole process ended up being a series of compromises, but I ended up getting a good priced shed, with a reasonable amount of strength and a fair amount of convenience. All up, with footings, 3 roller doors, colorbond and labour, the hangar cost $27000. The shed size is 12x12 with a 4m lean-to, so 12 x 16m. I bought the shed through http://www.shedsonline.com.au Hope this helps gav
  9. Thanks John:) Things aren't sounding too good...I'll have to have a good think about it. gav
  10. No worries John...I've got heaps of time mate...planning really early for Christmas. If you could send a pm, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers gav:)
  11. Drugs and flying never...:) Spent some time round Lismore, Alstonville, Lennox and Nimbin some time ago. Heard that Nimbin had changed a fair bit with the introduction of hard drugs, but was hoping it wasn't so, as it was a great place to have a cuppa and watch some amazing sights...including a once a year bath from a 'tribe' that lived near Nimbin and sometimes made their way to Byron for their annual rinse...used to crack me up to no end to watch the tourist's faces at the top pub, as their distictive aroma and bare arses went by.:) gav
  12. Pocketfms here I use pocketfms, mainly so I can use it on my Pocket PC with gps. It has regular updates and maps have many zoom levels. Additionally, I have also used Oziexplorer and digital VTC and WAC maps with my Pocket PC - also works well. gav
  13. Hi all:) Still planning my South Grafton trip and was wondering if there any strips near Nimbim - might be interesting to see how things are going there. All the best gav
  14. Thanks Mazda:) Only been to Port Mac once, but really liked it. It reminded me of a bigger Yaamba. Cheers gav
  15. Thanks heaps Paul and Andy for the detailed information on route, frequencies and strips. I have an RAA x-country endorsement, but don't have a PPL, so I think I'll follow your track Paul, but have to get advice on avoiding YBGC. I'll also try to contact the Coffs Aeroclub and see if I get get the contact for the owner of Stewarts and then hopefully organise something for a few days. Once again thanks heaps. I'm alot closer to getting a plan together now. gav:) PS: glad to hear it is only about two hours. Although I might take a little longer, as I enjoy the 75-80 knot cruise at 4500rpm with my SkyRanger.:)
  16. Hi all I'm planning a trip down to Coffs for Chrissy from Caloundra and was hoping someone might have some advice regarding places to stop for fuel or toilet breaks. I read on the forum that Straddy is a good way to go and also to perhaps plan for South Grafton as an end destination, rather than Coffs. I am not an overly experienced pilot, so the most relaxing route would be best. All the best gav:)
  17. Thanks John. I'll get in touch with the Isis Flying club. All the best gav
  18. Thanks John:) Do you know how far it was from down mate and whether they had any facilities available? gav PS: looking to go there around December and pick up some sleepy cod fingerlings for a dam
  19. Strip and Dam Wall Hi all:) Have a small strip (340m x 16-20m) facing 09 and 27, built on a dam wall. Have tried to make it as safe as possible with a lot of input from a mate who is a flying instructor. It has a sloped off-ramp (of sorts) on one end in case of brake failure and a cleared approach of 400m at the other end. The strip has a slope on it and for my skill level, I only fly in light winds at the moment. The good news is that it is close to my house and there are plenty of cane fields around - which hopefully I won't ever have to use. gav:)
  20. Hi all:) Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the Childers strip - surface, size, landing fees, etc. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. gav
  21. Maybe a solution Hi Kcrow and Jordy:) I live about an hour south of Mackay, but have recently chatted with Paul Auriac, who used to own Planet Aviation at Hedlow Airfield. I think he was an AUF instructor for some time. Perhaps you could send him an email and he might be able to help you or at least might know of someone who can. His email is: [email protected] All the best gav
  22. Accom Thanks Decca:) I'd love to come down your way one day in the near future, but at the moment I'm spending most of my time on a strip - it's only 300m long with lots of rocks and a slope...lol. Will let you know when heading down your way though and let me know if you're up my way too.:) All the best gav PS: I'm a bit north of Keppel, but the temps about the same....a bit too warm in the summer though
  23. Hi all:) I was wondering if it would be possible to start a list of recommended accom for towns/airstrips. I think other members have also mentioned the merit of this as it would provide us all with a directory that we could look up when going to an airstrip/town. Perhaps other info, such as distances from airstrips to accom, accom websites and/or fuel (if not on airstrip) could be included. For example, I haven't flown in to Keppel Island, but have asked about landing fees in August 2006 and received the following: "It will cost $100.00 to land your plane if you are not staying at the resort, and if you do book accommodation there is no Landing fee. If you contact us with the dates on which you are planning to travel we will organise landing permit numbers." Website: http://www.greatkeppelresort.com.au/ and email: [email protected] At the moment it is possible to get a Garden Room (I think this is the most basic room) for $125 per night. Additionally, if flying into Agnes Waters (which I am still planning on doing...soon:)), there is good accom for around $100 per night, which is about 10 min walk from the strip and from the beach at: http://www.edgeonbeaches1770.com.au/ It would be really helpful for me when planning a trip to read about forum members' opinions/reviews and make for a gret trip. All the best gav:)
  24. skyRanger a bright yellow and white Skyranger
  25. Thanks heaps Steven. gav:)
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