G,day, I have flown approx.600 hrs behind a Jabiru 2200 motor, and about 30 behind the 3300. They are the nicest to listen to, very sedate and peaceful. If you look after them as per requirements, I don't think you have much to worry about.
I own and maintain a jabiru with a 100 Hp Rotax, which I upgraded to for extra lift capability, I have another Jabiru with a 2200 motor, and another aircraft with a Continental 470. Everything gets the oil changed at 25 hrs, especially if running on Av Gas. All three run best on unleaded fuel, the 470 likes 91 octane, the Jabiru and Rotax require 95. My Jab motors carbon heads every 180 to 200 hrs when run on Av Gas. I have documented every hour, fuel and oil added, Etc, unfolding trends are easier to pick up this way. Fuel usage is 16 ltr per hour at 2850 RPM in the 80 Hp Jab, 18 ltr per hour at 5400 RPM in the same aircraft with the 100 Hp Rotax, The extra performance is cheap. The Jab motor is very simple, and it it continually evolving for the better. That said, the first Jab motor I flew had 345 hrs on it and had been well looked after, I took it to over 600, it's still in operation and is getting close to 900 hrs on it, and it is a 2008 build. We live and fly these motors in the north of Aust with runway temps in the high 30's. I do not have cooling issues on either the Jab motors or the Rotax, it has everything to do with how you operate them.
The Rotax is definitely easier to maintain over the 2000 hrs, and I believe it will be the cheapest over that period. I know of 2 mustering aircraft that are approaching 3000 hrs and still don't use any more oil than they did from day 1, leak down test exceptionally well, but operated well and 25 hr oil changes. The 100 Hp Rotax motor certainly developers good power, the Jab 160D with that engine gets airborne so quick, climbs at rediculous ( wonderful ) rates, it added 20 kg over the 2200, but I think it's similar in weight to the 3300 motor. Jabiru engine is cheaper to purchase. Both Flood Imports and Jabiru give great back up service.
Hope this helps.