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About Mriya

  • Birthday 06/07/1971


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  1. Surprised how little focus this one had in the media. Maybe it got overshadowed by the Gold Coast helicopters that collided a few days later! I have heard via a source who should know that the aircraft did NOT break-up in flight despite the speculation that has occurred on this forum.
  2. That's the one. Knew someone would have the answer.
  3. Approx 1:1 scale from what I saw if that's the case 😉
  4. Intriguing! Someone has to know something. Busted aircraft sitting in a paddock with a story to tell...
  5. Took this photo earlier today (27th Oct) in the Yarra Valley. This was also spotted and reported to me by someone else yesterday. My queries so far indicate no Jabirus are missing from either YCEM or YLIL. Does anyone have more info regarding how this aircraft ended up in a paddock near the powerlines that form the southern leg of the circuit area for YCEM? It looks like it has a busted LH MLG and wing tip!
  6. From the range of responses so far, it seems to be decidedly unclear. You can go fishing, you can play golf, you can go for a drive. These common activities have all been approved under the latest lockdown. This isn't about pushing boundaries (although it is clear that some do), but rather understanding how the rules should be applied to recreational flying in a considered and conservative manner. I think most people would agree that a private aircraft owner who goes for a local flight on their own or with someone else from their household and applies appropriate social distancing is not creating a risk of spreading COVID-19. As one working in the GA industry, I look forward to a return to the freedoms that we normally enjoy. I am frustrated by the return to lockdown, particularly in light of the reported reasons for this outbreak. I agree that the lock-down is needed at this time and that everyone must play their part to stop the spread of the virus. However in the absence of a clear rule applying to recreational aviation, and given the range of recreational pursuits, including going for a drive just because you can, some people have arrived at the reasonable assumption that a recreational flight is broadly equivalent to other allowable activities.
  7. Jokes aside, can anyone point me to any guidance material regarding what specific limitations currently exist for a Melbourne based flyer. The 'four reasons to leave home' rule is probably the biggest hurdle, although based on other allowable recreational activities, it is not exactly clear. I'm guessing that a recreational flight that takes you beyond the metropolitan lockdown zone is not acceptable. Any thoughts, preferably backed by government guidance material or specific rules are welcome...
  8. I think you will find that the aircrafts maintenance schedule will include a 12 month (annual) check. Normally the inspection schedule will be triggered by flying hrs or calendar time (whichever comes first). Typically, private owners will fly less than 100hrs in a year, in which case the check is based on calendar time. A lot of misunderstanding surrounds maintenance requirements of RAAus aircraft.
  9. Not sounding good ? https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/law-order/light-plane-crash-at-leigh-creek/news-story/e7720b4e33910bd5ddf65111a6727eb2
  10. Just saw this one. Any more info out there? https://www.news.com.au/national/south-australia/light-plane-crash-at-leigh-creek/news-story/e7720b4e33910bd5ddf65111a6727eb2
  11. Congratulations Bruce. Sounds like this will simplify the parts supply chain considerably, thus providing better support to Tecnam owners in Oz. I have always found the Tecnam LSA engineering support your provide simple and effective. Quick and easy access to parts, while not discounting the considerable efforts of people involved in the previous supply chain, will be good step forward.
  12. Hi Geoff, Guess who.... Happy to chat and answer any Q's, just that I am not at YCEM this week (In Wollongong for a few days). Yes it was a nice Mooney. Hope your search for a new aircraft, gets you back flying soon.
  13. Coldstream have just recently got a Tecnam P92 back on line for RAAus and have quite an active social group which catch up most weekends.
  14. So it appears that a chute has been fitted at some stage. Can anyone definitively confirm whether it was still there yesterday? The non-deployment of the chute if fitted remains a mystery.
  15. Well that would be a 1st, the media not getting the facts right! Given the circumstances if a ballistic chute was fitted, this would have been the perfect time to use it. I did suspect the media report was wrong at this point. We will still look forward to answers on how this did happen. Very sad for everyone.
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