As a L2/LAME I have sometimes observed a lack of appreciation for the responsibilities that come with owning an aircraft. The owner is considered to be the Maintenance Controller which means that they are responsible for understanding and ensuring all aspects of the RAAus Technical Manual, CASA regs, manufacturers maintenance schedules, AD's, SB's, etc are complied with. Your L2/LAME can help point you in the right direction, however the aircraft owner is the person ultimately responsible. Heaven forbid, should a failure to comply with any rules/regs be found to contribute to a fatal accident the lawyers would have a field day at your expense. Moral of the story is that aircraft owners need to do their homework by reading and understanding all the documents that relate to the ongoing serviceability and maintenance of their aircraft. A range of solutions are availabe for checking calibration of instruments, but for transponders it must be checked by a CASA Radio LAME using pretty expensive calibrated test equipment. Without a transponder check per AD/RAD/47 in the last 2 years your aircraft is not permitted in controlled airspace ( including class E). I offer this as food for thought for anyone who owns an aircraft, that you may better appreciate the responsibilities that are yours.