I am interested in your building a Savannah as I had planned on doing the same until the Savannah North America dealership moved and then virtually disappeared. I was wondering what your experience has been buying and importing to Canada. Are you building as 'amateur built'?
I have been following your build on both this site and the Savannahaircraft site since I started building my own Savannah VGW (same plane - North American designation) here in Nova Scotia, Canada, in July of 2011. I have over 1000 hours of logged build time on my project and expect to be airborne in the spring. The attached picture was taken in early December just before I stored her for the winter.
I spent most of the summer of 2012 redesigning the wiring plan and getting input on the mods before doing the electrics installation in the fall of that year. The final revision of my schematic is posted on Savannahaircraft.
You make reference to "the incident" in this post which, I surmise, occurred sometime between May and December of 2013 - but give no details. Is there anything I should be aware of before I begin trials with my plane?
Your repairs look as good as (better than?) the original; especially the lightweight cowling fitted outside the fuselage skin (where ICP should have put it in the first place). Did you layup the fibreglass yourself or is the cowl available through the ICP network?
All the best for 2014; I've thoroughly enjoyed your posts;
Fly safely,
Dan Tonner