From the Canberra Region Aviators' Association (CRAA):
Dennis Mitchell and Michael Monck (Treasurer and Vice-President respectively of CRAA) met with a team from the ACT Government on Tuesday 9 August to discuss the Canberra secondary airfield proposal and its progress. Given the recent changes in the ACT government and associated cabinet shuffles, the people in attendance were new to the project, however, we feel that this is a positive change in the sense that we now have departments who are about project delivery getting involved and showing interest. Present at the meeting were senior representatives from the Chief Ministers Office, Andrew Barr's Office (as Minister for Economic Development) and the Executive Director of Major Projects.
The discussion covered off on topics including the environmental impact studies done in the area, economic feasibility work undertaken by Access Economics, the planning and development work already undertaken by CRAA and previous studies surrounding the operational feasibility of the airfield (topography, runway siting, prevailing winds, surrounding terrain, flight path options, circuit direction, etc). The reception to our work was positive and a keen interest was shown in the community aspects of the airfield as well as the training, maintenance and other employment opportunities associated with aviation in the Capital region
The Government parties present at the meeting committed to providing feedback on our proposal within a 2 - 4 week time frame which is consistent with making a cabinet submission for a budget allocation by the end of the calendar year. If the outcome of this is positive (and we have no reason to expect otherwise) we should be able to receive funding in the next budget to be handed down in May of 2012. While this is longer than we would all like, it is a good move forward towards a positive outcome for aviation in the region.