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Everything posted by denmit

  1. Thanks Crashley, I have relies in Moe and get down there once or twice a year. If I give you plenty of notice, would you put up with me having a look and asking a lot of questions? I'll send you my details in a Private Message. Denmit
  2. G'day Crashley, another one - excellent. To save me looking up my ERSA, where is YLVT?
  3. G'day Warmbrak, rgmwa has pretty well covered it. Access to controlled airspace requires a PPL or higher (there isn't a "controlled airspace endorsement" as such - it comes with your PPL). RAAus were working on getting access for RAAus pilots to controlled airspace after appropriate training and endorsement, but CASA have said that the existing arrangements are satisfactory and don't currently intend to proceed with the proposal. If piloted by a PPL holder, either RAA or VH aircraft can access controlled airspace. If a PPL holder is piloting an RAA aircraft, he/she must hold an RAAus licence as well, entitling them to fly that aircraft. A RAAus aircraft must have have VHF radio and transponder, the latter must be checked and signed off for correct operation by a LAME, and the engine must be on the CASA list of acceptable engines. Rotax and Jabiru are. There are no two strokes on the list. A group build would be a brilliant idea for a like-minded, co-located group. Perhaps you could gauge interest by a post on another Forum thread? Cheers, Denmit
  4. Aussie RV-12s G'day Spriteah, rgmwa and I are just starting on the empennage/tail cone, so I reckon we might be making a few requests of you for assistance as we get into the wings later in the year. I'll email both you and rgmwa off-forum with my contact details, and would be pleased to receive yours. There should be a few others out there too - Barb Billman said she has shipped "half a dozen or so" RV-12s to Oz. Good to hear you're happy with the kit. Cheers, Denmit
  5. You'll be back Shags, you'll be back !!!
  6. Shags, follow the link here: Homebuilders It will take you to the EAA's "Hints for Homebuilders" site with a bunch of videos on the fabrication techniques used in the various forms of construction. I'm building an RV-12, and have also completed the empennage on an RV-9. If you really carefully follow the plans (and I mean REALLY carefully) it all comes together quite well. I also did Sam Richards (Temora) 2 day course on sheet metal aircraft construction. It was invaluable, and fun too. BTW, I realised that the RV-9 was too big a job for me and I wasn't going to finish it before I was an octogenarian - which is why I switched to the RV-12. The Skyranger and X-Air type aircraft go together easily and quickly, so they may be worth a look too. Good luck with it, you'll find its a really enjoyable and satisfying pastime (mostly - I hate fibreglass !!!) Denmit
  7. I've just started construction. I expect at least a 2 year construction period. Registration will likely be VH Experimental while ever I retain my PPL, but if that changes I'll have the option to go RAAus. Living near Canberra means having controlled airspace entry privileges is useful. However, if the CRAA (Canberra Region Aviators Association Inc.), of which I am a committee member, is able to get a secondary strip operational near Canberra, that might change my thinking. Cheers, Denmit
  8. Thanks for the heads up Mick - what do your brother and you fly? Mitch
  9. G'day to all. I'm Dennis Mitchell (usually Mitch) and fell across your community by accident while googling for Aussie kit arcraft. I'm a 350 hour PPL with some early ultralight time (Jeep) and gliders (LS4 was the last flown). I've owned a GA aircraft in the past (TobagoTB10) but even though that was with a 50% partner, it was eye wateringly expensive. So the search for something to build and fly that is quick (to build and also in cruise) and reasonably affordable. It'll be registered VH Experimental as Canberra is my home airport. I bought an RV9 empennage kit from Jon Johanson last year but the hours it consumes for little progress has disheartened me. In the time spent so far to complete the VS and HS, I could have finished a whole airframe! The Aeropup is close to my final choice, but I'm just doing a final review before I jump (i.e. cough up the dough!). Glad to meet you all Mitch
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