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Everything posted by recflyer

  1. Plus one for the 230. I have only flown in one once but it felt very powerful but also a very stable platform.
  2. The spacewalkers look awesome! I will have to look further into tthese.this aircraft.
  3. Nice! Whats the xair like to fly? I have not been in one?
  4. I would be interested to hear what is everyones personal favourite recreational aircraft? I am interested as I would like to do a podcast on the top 5 favourite rec aircraft in Australia talking about their great qualities and characteristics. If you could describe why That woukd be great as well. Ie: stable, good range etc
  5. You might like to check out some of the other aviation podcast by student pilots -Maiden flight podcast -in the pattern podcast -aviation careers podcast Not student pilot related but awesome -airplane geeks
  6. Loved chatting with Mike. I learnt a lot about kit building and have learnt a lot from mike about aviation in general chatting offline as well. Kudos to Mike for recommending I talk to Howard Hughes as well for ep 4! Turned out well!
  7. Thanks mike! It was great having you on the show and in the process learning about kit aircraft! Your episode has been quite popular with 250 dowloads so far. I can't wait to chat more about the avocet aircraft you have produced. I would love to hear from more people in aviation, especially anyone wanting to promote one of our great flying training facilities. The overall goal of the podcast is to get more people involved in aviation.
  8. Check out Episode 4 of the Go Flying Australia Podcast with Howard Hughes of Australian Lightwing.
  9. The Forth episode of the Go Flying Australia Podcast was released yesterday. Thanks so much to anyone who has downloaded the podcast, I have been surprised by the huge amount of support with more than 1000 downloads so far. [MEDIA=audio]http://traffic.libsyn.com/goflying/Go_Flying_Australia_Podcast_004.mp3[/MEDIA] Link to Itunes to listen for Apple device users. Click here for the show notes on my website. I had a great time talking to Howard Hughes from Australian Lightwing on the podcast. Howard is the owner of Howard Hughes Engineering which manufactures a number of single engine piston aircraft in Ballina, NSW. Howard tells a number of interesting and funny stories from his aviation career including: - Flying early hang gliders - Flying early ultralights - Test flying the first design of the Lightwing - Test flying a new propellor and having a mayday call responded to by a RAAF F111 I hope to be able to interview Howard for a part 2 to talk about his expanding range of light aircraft that he is building at Ballina. Please go to the Lightwing website below to check out the awesome Lightwing range of aircraft. Check out all of the Lightwing aircraft for sale here. Thank you so much for all of the forum members who have contacted me with their feedback so far. I would love to hear any feed back (both good/bad) by the following means: - Comments below this post - Direct Message on the forum - Comments function on my website www.goflying.net - Contact form on my website I would be interested to hear some show ideas if you have any and please let me know if you are able to be interviewed for an episode. I have the gear to be able to do cockpit audio so recording some audio in flight is something I would be interested in. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Cheers, Adam
  10. Same, I wonder what the running costs of this aircraft are compared to a similar high performance single engine aircraft?
  11. http://generalaviationnews.com/2015/02/17/videos-sonex-reports-several-milestones-for-subsonex-jet/
  12. Damm. Very true! My bad...
  13. Thats not great news. Are you still going to be at Avalon doing publicity for the book or at any other fly inns anytime soon?
  14. Thanks. Hope the book is going well! Cant wait to read it.
  15. Thanks I will continue the 'guess the aircraft' segment for the next episode. How long did it take you to guess? Thanks for listening!
  16. There is one quick correction podcast episode number 3. In the interview Mike said that the Aero Pup had aluminium wings but what he meant to say was that the Aero Pup has fabric covered wings and aluminium flaps and ailerons. http://www.aeropup.com On other matters did anyone get all the answers to the quiz questions below: Click here for these answers General Aviation 1.What are the 3 most produced civilian aircraft of all time? 2. Which Aircraft earned its certification on the same day as the stock market crash of 1929. 3. What year did the first beechcraft bonanza fly? Recreational Aircraft Quiz 1. Which company produces the CT series of light sport aircraft and where are they based? 2. According to the FAA (Federation Aviation Authority) what is the maximum takeoff weight in pounds and stall speed in Kts for LSA in the USA. 3. Name all the Jabiru Aircraft available to be purchased in Australian in both kit form and factory built? Guess the aircraft quiz What aircraft am I? I first flew in 1978. I have two seats. My max takeoff weight was 760 kg. I was an attempt by a company to break into the two seat trainer market. I have a low wing. My production run was short. I have a lycoming engine. I have a t tail. Well done if you got the answers, Hope you can join me for the next quiz on the next episode.
  17. Episode 3 of the Go Flying Australia podcast is out now!
  18. The third episode of the Go Flying Australia Podcast was released yesterday! In this episode I will be playing Part 1 of an interview that I recorded with Mike Sharples ('Avocet' on the forum) who is an experienced Recreational Pilot and Kit Builder from South Australia (Part 2 will be in a later episode). This episode would be interesting for anyone who is a builder of kit aircraft or is interested in building kit aircraft in the future. [MEDIA=audio]http://traffic.libsyn.com/goflying/Go_Flying_Australia_Podcast_003.mp3[/MEDIA] Click here for details Link to Itunes to listen for Apple device users Thank you so much for all of the forum members who have contacted me with their feedback so far. Quiz I hope you can try out the quiz at the end of the episode (35 minute 10 second mark) and let me know how many questions you got right. Feedback I would love to hear any feed back (both good/bad) by the following means: - Comments below this post - Direct Message on the forum - Comments function on my website www.goflying.net - Contact form on my website I would be interested to hear some show ideas if you have any and please let me know if you are able to be interviewed for an episode. I have the gear to be able to do cockpit audio so recording some audio in flight is something I would be interested in. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Cheers, Adam
  19. The 3rd episode of the Go Flying Australia Podcast will be available soon. Check it out if your interested in Kit building!
  20. Went solo today for the first time!
    1. alexbrown2005


      Good on you, mate! I still remember my first solo. "Wanna have a go by yourself?" Absolutely brilliant feeling. Welcome to the Command column!
  21. I find once (two shorter sessions in one day) a weekend works well if you have a 9-5 job. I found that once every two weeks is a little bit to far apart. When you start doing circuits it would be great to fly more often as its a consolidation phase of previous skills and the more comfotable you get in the circuit the quicker you will go solo. One thing I found that was helpful is to take the poh checklists (or checklists provided by your club/instructor), copy into a word doc and add in little personal tips for each stage of flight (incl radio calls) that are not normally contained in the poh (particularly good for circuits). Then review this personal checklist before each flight so that its fresh in your mind (some call it Chair flying). Best of luck.
  22. What sort of flying do you want to do? Have you looked in recreational (raaus) versus ppl/rpl (General aviation aircraft) And the differences.
  23. Welcome! Your certainly in the right spot. There are so many knowledgable people on this forum.
  24. Great work on making a start on your aviation journey! Best of luck with your training.
  25. Well done! The 170 sure is one nice aircraft to fly.
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