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Everything posted by Rollo

  1. Aeropup Australia has a New Website www.aeropup.com.au
  2. The Aeropup with Jabiru 3300 is cruising at 100 knots. One new aircraft has approximately 20 hours with this set-up.
  3. There is a new Aeropup build that has a Jabiru 3300. It's cruise speed is above 100 knots
  4. Yes was wondering about 90 knot cruise. The one I had for very short time cruised in mid 80's with Rotax 80hp. Jabiru 3300 I would have thought be up around the Ton (100knot) You mentioned great climb, maybe a climb prop rather than a cruise prop. Only a suggestion from me.
  5. Agreed completely. We have another aircraft called the Magpie that flies very well. Single seater, this aircraft been flying for Years. All the Computer work completed, and ready for production. This maybe a suitable replacement for the Supapup. Shall pop some pictures up soon on this site. Rollo
  6. Comments on Aeropup Production There is a lot of misunderstanding about the Aeropup here in Australia and Overseas as well. Aeropup was designed originally as the Supapup and a single seater. A successful aircraft and well liked. This aircraft developed into the Aeropup as a 2 seater version. Sadly the Supapup plans have disappeared with the Death of the Designer, John Cotton. Now to the 60 flying, well that's the fisherman story of the one that got away. The true figure for Aeropup, not Supapup, is now close to 40 kits in Australia. There are articles about "problems with Australian products". Clarification would be that the Designer passed away without all information supplied to the New manufacturer. The manufacturer, which is myself, has spent a considerable amount of time and money to make all CAD 3D plans. Every part now CNC in house. All new accurate jigs. The kits now are very accurate. One kit owner in Western Australia described our kit and welds as "Art to the eyes". The fibreglass molds were Old not as good. However they are usable. New molds are very close to finish. All kits in the World have been made by myself and Son at our Factory Gympie Airport. One kit went by USA to Bangladesh Airforce. These guys love the aircraft. Instructions were not good, so new instructions are being made in USA. These, hopefully, will be available soon. USA has received a shipping container of kits already. Another larger order going very soon. At this moment we have 15 kits under construction and nearly all finished. Stock will be available for immediate dispatch in Australia very very soon. A new Website will be released upon completion of Instructions from USA. Please feel free to comment or contact me through here or directly. Further updates as requested by yourselves and myself. I will also have more data on Cruise speeds, stall and other relevant information soon. There will be a New Aeropup Flying with a Jabiru 3300 in the next 8-12 weeks. This is a local build and from our latest jigs. All the best. Rollo R & C Aviation Gympie Airport
  7. Sadly no, we have only just ramped up to decent production levels. Not enough time to be at Parks. Might try and be there, maybe have some production parts to share the quality we are aiming for.
  8. Hi Folk, Update from Aeropup Australia. Yes, we are manufacturing Aeropups at Gympie Airport Queensland. There have been issues with Local Gympie Council and after 8 Years we have finally solved the challenge. 2 Senior Council employees were dismissed after inappropriate actions against us at the Airport. The Gympie Mayor and Gympie Council CEO are good people, and we can now continue to manufacture the Aeropup with no further hinderance. The last 5 Years we have built new welding jigs for the complete Aircraft. Accuracy has never been better. Aeropup production is now in full swing with 15 kits under construction. Supply of kits, as of this moment, very short lead times. New instructions are only weeks away. Production now consists of full CNC tube coping in house. Ribs CNC in house. Rib material Australian Hoop Pine marine Grade Plywood made in Brisbane Australia We own the Dies to produce Spars and Lift Struts so no delays on these items. We have Tests sheets for the 3 profiles. All steel tube is Military Grade 4130 and German manufactured. All with test certificates. There was a mention of a Flight Manual with necessary information Yes, we do have this in the system, making some basic updates and will be available in a few weeks. As the time goes on, we shall update you on progress. Feel free to contact us Kind regards Rollo McKinley R & C Aviation Gympie Airport Queensland Australia
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