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Drummer Dave

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Everything posted by Drummer Dave

  1. Yeah that's true but the local GA school want me to do more Navs!! Its as though the RAAus X Country isn't acceptable to them. They said maybe 2 or 3 navs 2.5hrs @ $300, so $2000+) and then a Flight test which will cost $1000 by the time I pay to get the Testing Officer out here. I refuse to pay for flying that I have already done and passed. I would rather spend that money in other ways. I will wait until Sept and go RPL. I realise that my qualifications = PPL and I may end up doing it in a couple of years. Who knows. Im happy to fly a 172 and have no ambition to fly anything heavier or faster. Thanks for your comment.
  2. Yeah,......... well I will have one (RPL) after Sept 1 I have the X/Country and CTA already
  3. Hi David. Yes I have done the GFPT and have a GA Student licence, Class 2 Medical and a CSU/Retractable Endorsement. All good for 4 POB I currently own a 19 registered Aircraft.
  4. Hi Frank Thanks for your interest. I appreciate the comments. I never stop learning about flying and the associated rules and regs!! Yes there the only way to get a CTA is via GA. RAAus still don't have that endorsement, and I cant see it coming in the near future. The RPL might be perfect for your friends. It replaces a SPL, so they may be able to convert??? Ive done a bit of reading about it, as I was ready for the changes in Dec 2013 but they were deferred.
  5. I have never heard of a 2hr IFR during an Nav Test, as the test is only 3hrs in total,... but as I say, I have done my 2hrs+ of IFR under the hood along with additional sequences of IFR during my numerous GA Navs. I have been in contact with a few GA flying schools, and they confirm that I have everything I need to qualify for RPL. Just waiting for September 1.
  6. Yes I've done 2+ hours under the hood
  7. I meant 3 pax. Im thinking of a 4 place machine. (I'll edit my post. Thanks) That is a great brochure link which gives you a good run down of the RPL
  8. Yes it does limit you to 2pax, unless you have a class 2 Medical. I really cant see what difference this makes? Im covered though.
  9. Hi. I am new to the site but have been flying under an RAAus Certificate. I started flying years ago in GA and then stopped for 10yrs. Did everything except my final Nav Test. Passed PPL Theory. (Just ran out of cash building a new place) Kids now grown up and discovered Recreational Aviation 5 yrs ago. Have all the Endo's incl Cross Country. The RPL will actually be good for me, as I am currently 1/3 share of a 172RG. Bought into it 2 yrs ago with finishing my PPL as an incentive. Went to a GA school who wanted to put me through my Navs again. 15hrs plus a PPL test. Probably nearly $4000 expense to me. I queried the fact that I had done all of this with RA. Its as if the RAA training is sub standard. (It isn't) Welcome RPL RPL will allow me to fly my 172RG and recognise the X Country along with every other RAAus endorsement. I have a Class 2 Medical which gives me 4 pax . I have done my CSU/Retractable Endo and CTA, so come Sept 1st I can do the RPL application and tick the boxes. I will obviously do a flight review and some further currency training in the 172, and once completing that I should be free as a bird. Would welcome comments as I don't think that the RPL seems that popular. As I said,....It suits me. Thanks for reading!! DD
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