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Everything posted by Dreamliner

  1. Yep, that's correct. Listed in ERSA, YYNG.
  2. Hi fellow flyers, Just a reminder that Young has a really great sealed strip, Council friendly and room for new hangers I am sure.
  3. dsam I think you are being generous giving them 2 out of 10 for their web site, I only hope that they have organised the fly in better than their web site. PS don't forget to take piles of money.
  4. It's all there in OzRunways
  5. I think it is a new plane, on first departure from Boeing field.
  6. Recently had a misfire on shutting down, RH mag to be precise. Plugs all OK, fault traced to faulty connection on the spark plug lead at the distributor end.
  7. Boeing factory tour and their museum of flight. Note that there are two different sites. Both excellent.
  8. With all these failure figures being branded about, could there be some way of doing an Audit on Jabiru as to number of spare parts issued, like engines, through bolts, pistons, etc, etc ?????
  9. The lights came from https://www.superbrightleds.com/. I also installed a Kuntzleman Electronic LED Wig wag module, price was about $60.00 US, including postage. Link to Kuntzleman is http://www.kestrobes.com/beacon.htm
  10. Thanks for the feed back. Have installed a set of lights from superbright LED's, type MR16 CW48smd: cool white, $15.00 US each, they fit within the Jab light fitting BUT are not waterproof. So I had some clear glass cut from our local glass company, placed and glued it in the inside front of the aluminum retaining ring. No problem at all. On testing no radio or other electrical interference generated by the LED's. The LED's were marked to comply with EU & American standards. works great as daylight running lights but untried as night landing lights.
  11. Thanks members for your reply. Plan to install the lights mid August. Jabiru mentioned about the radio problem but only with some LED's and have not chased the matter up. There is a supplier in the states that sell LED's but at $250 us its a bit steep. I like Deborah's idead. Michael
  12. Hi all, greetings. I Have been a reader for some time now, and yes I am a Jabiru owner, 170c, and yes I have had engine troubles recently. But that is part and parcel of flying. Has any member replaced their 55 watt halogen landing lights with led's ?
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