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Everything posted by Possum1

  1. CASA still wants to hang on to the Class 5 medical requirement as if this is necessary for proficiency in communicating with ATC. The rest of it is very welcome news.
  2. Nobody has mentioned planesales.com.au. I found this excellent value for money and got many strong and interested enquiries and one solid buyer with a 10% deposit on the same day he viewed the logbook photos of the last 5 years which I sent him. I had many genuine enquires to fall back on if this sale did not proceed. It did proceed, and at my asking price.
  3. The problem is that they are having meetings at all when all the evidence is already in from overseas, even from RA-AUS(see the above link to Australian Flying). These are people who think that serving on committees, boards, panels and going to meetings which, as you say, have no authority anyway, is actual work. It's like me as a school relief teacher turning up for work to replace some teacher who has taken a sickie on the day of the athletics carnival. I quite enjoy being paid quite a bit of money just to be a teacher rather than actually do any teaching!
  4. Why is the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel waiting until 13 October to meet? They could meet tomorrow. They must be aware about how urgent GA, AOPA etc. consider this matter to be. We've waited 6 years for this. We have heard nothing about the survey either(as if one was needed) and that was nearly 4 months ago.
  5. I can't work out how to delete the above but anyhow, this is great that RAAUS has changed their position on this - I was quoting from the March 22 report of the previous meeting so my news was old. It is also great that the TWG met on August 25 as there is no evidence of this on CASA's website. I just hope that Australian Flying's sources are accurate. We don't want a last minute knobbling by CASA like they did last time with the Basic Med with the word "unconditional."
  6. Two of the doctors on the Part 67 Technical Working Group appear to also be speakers at the upcoming ASAM Conference starting this Thursday at the Crowne Plaza in the Hunter Valley. Other members of the TWG will also most probably be attending. There will be many DAMEs from all over the country attending including the one I go to. Hopefully the matter of self-declared pilot certification will come up, especially in the session with CASA on Sunday morning. There is also a session on Saturday where a "Dr Cronin will compare and contrast the United States' Aviation Medical Examination (FAA) system against the Australian Aviation Medical Examination (CASA) system, and provide comment on the differences, as well as any areas that each system can improve off each other." It might be nice for some recommendations from the American medical standards for PPL medical certification to be adopted here in Australia.
  7. What we don't need is RA-AUS counselling against this because it would impact their business model which relies on pilots who have lost their medical joining their organisation. They might even lose some members who have a PPL, then acquire a self-declared medical certificate and go and buy a GA plane.
  8. Still, I think pilots should be ringing AvMed making genuine enquiries about the coming implementation of the self-declared pilot medical certificate and force CASA into a position where they must properly brief their staff on what is really happening.
  9. Cherrabah's airstrip is still closed with cows still grazing on it for the next several weeks while their regular pasture dries out!
  10. I didn't know that the Cherrabah resort had reopened. Has the airfield reopened as well? It was closed for their cows during COVID! I last stopped there as an alternate in 2015 when we couldn't get into Stanthorpe because of low cloud. Had a nice buffet bacon and eggs breakfast at the restaurant for $20 each while we waited for the cloud to lift. Anyhow: Stanthorpe: The Christmas Farm Cafe at the Granite Belt Christmas Farm is only 800m from the airfield terminal building for an All Day Menu, a Lunch Menu and ice creams and fudge! Caloundra: The Queensland Air Museum Cafe - 50m and the Hungry Jacks at the BP servo on the main road - 600m. We always take the scenic route from Archerfield and dogleg around Mt Beerwah.
  11. Rang AvMed today. The lady at the other end had never heard of the proposed Class 4 or Class 5 medicals, self-declared medical certificates and had never heard of the Technical Working Group or Part 67. She also had never heard of the doctors and others in the group and had never heard of the possibility of CASA adopting the new NZ CAA PPL standard which started in April 2021. She also could not put me in touch with anybody with any connection to the TWG to explain what stage they were at and when some recommendations and implementation would be forthcoming. Was this ignorance real or feigned? Perhaps some pilots out there who would like to continue flying their GA planes would like to make some similar enquiries. The number is 131757.
  12. The August CASA Briefing reports a "phenomenal response of more than 600 submissions." This is certainly encouraging but this review and the possibility of self-certified medicals was raised in mid-November 2021 - 9 months ago. A result from CASA does not seem in any way imminent.
  13. What 737 capable airfields in Australia could they possibly be thinking of landing at that aren't serviced by Qantas, Virgin or Jetstar and still get acceptable passenger loads?
  14. Hmm... Holy thread drift, Batman! This would be a drop in the bucket compared with the operating costs of many of these aircraft to fly to this breakfast and return home. Gatton Air Park is located on the outskirts of Gatton. There is a Coles, an Aldi and a Super IGA a 5 minute drive or less from this airfield. There is no reason that someone couldn't have done a run into town before the food ran out altogether. Last month at the Murgon Fly-in Breakfast, at the cooking end, we ran low on food twice and the club secretary made two trips to the Super IGA in town for more food. At the serving end, we never stopped serving and the punters never noticed.
  15. No, you don't. The landing fee is covered by your having breakfast at the resort but no-one has ever asked. Just smile good morning to whoever is on reception as you walk through to Lilies Restaurant where the breakfast is. This is about a 5 minute walk from the runway. Hazards: There are kangaroos by the runway and joggers on the runway sometimes! All circuits to the south. You will find the base leg for Runway 30 most interesting! Drag races are held on the runway once or twice a year and you should have a quick look at the events page on their website to see if one is on. Website is: https://thekooralbynvalley.com.au/ .
  16. Straddie used to be the place where you didn't get fed before 9.00 a.m.(except for some fruit), now Gatton... P.S. You could have stopped at Kooralbyn on the way back with not too much of a detour. It's a little expensive at $22 but you would have got a big feed straight away.
  17. Straddie used to be the place where you didn't get fed before 9.00 a.m.(except for some fruit), now Gatton...
  18. Great video Scott, but I would recommend going via Lake Manchester next time to avoid the tiger country that you flew over. You would only need 1500' for the whole trip and this would keep you under the step in the remote chance that Amberley is active early on a Sunday morning. If they are, track via the northern edge of Lake Manchester and this will keep you clear. After Lake Manchester if the hills and the bumps are a little too close just deviate off course a bit to the west over the lower and clearer land by Wivenhoe Dam. Another way, if you have a PPL, is to go up to TARGET and request ARCHER TOWER to overfly the field for a track to Lake Manchester and after breakfast return via your Greenbank waypoint.
  19. If you go to Murgon Airfield(YMRG) in the South Burnett in Queensland, don't use a horn. The farmer's cows have learnt to come to the sound of a horn, not run away, because when he blows the horn, this means there is a nice fresh bale of hay waiting for them! With the grass as lush as this, they're probably not interested in hay though... Burnett Flyers Webcam
  20. I do recall in some old photos of the Bristol Fighter, some stencilled instructions on the side of the rear gunner's position, underneath the above-mentioned Scarff Ring(the mount for the Lewis gun). The factory left some instructions about the weight of sandbags to be put in the rear-gunner's position, in the event of a flight with no-one in the back seat. The pilot did appear to pay some attention to the weight and balance instruction by putting his kit and motor bike in the back seat. The problem seems to have been an overweight condition coupled with the excessive drag of the other pilot's kit in the bomb racks rather than the more streamlined bombs that the aircraft might otherwise carry.
  21. KGB Locksmiths of Coopers Plains(next door suburb to Archerfield Airport) here in Brisbane did multiple copies of our Piper's plane key 13 years ago on blanks stamped ILCO, Made in USA, N54G. The original key that it was copied from is stamped TCM. As I presume this stands for Teledyne Continental Motors, the same key blank should work for your Cessna? Cessna and Piper ignitions have always looked identical. KGB has been supplying key copies for the planes at Archerfield Airport for many years now. I first heard about them from the flying school I was learning to fly with in 1994.
  22. I still use it to calculate fuel after I have dipped the tanks.
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