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Everything posted by Jmbb74

  1. Correct, the buyer decides. Everyone has an opinion and everyone's situation is different. I made this video because there are people out there like myself (in the beginning) who are unsure about parting with their money in anything other than an experimental engine. What I did learn during the process... Pick up the phone and talk to people, and the first call is the manufacturer. Put them through the wringer and finally ask them for client references. You'll get a much better picture and make a more informed decision for your situation. I negotiate big $$ deals for a living and so far, I've found the engine good value for money. I hope my journey helps others. Jamie
  2. Yep no prob, I purchased the following. I don't have the invoice in front of me to double check the prices. 1. Viking View engine monitor. Simple plug and play with the engine, no stuffing around with programming. It's a GRT product re badged and pre programmed for Viking. I called GRT and spoke to them in depth prior to my purchased and in the end, my glass panel is a GRT sport SX purely because I wanted to stay within the GRT family for ease of connect-ability. 2. Viking wiring bus. Viking no longer make this product in favour of a traditional wiring setup. I didn't want to add roughly 50hrs to the build so I opted for their bus to save time. In a future episode on my YouTube channel, I'll talk about my Motec PDM that I'm using as my 2nd power bus in the aircraft. Again I spend time on the phone with Motec Australia and these unit are bloody fantastic but very expensive. 3. The Viking Grab bag Not a necessary purchase but I figured, get the right tools for the job. The bag has everything to finish off the job. Hope this helps. Jamie
  3. Fly tornado, obviously as a Viking owner all those point are of interest to me...I'm just wondering: 1. Do you own a viking engine and experienced warranty issues? 2. As an owner did you pull down the engine to inspect the block for metal fatigue? 3. And was your harness supplied by Jan?
  4. Love it or hate it...here's a link to my first start
  5. Love it or hate it...here's a link to my first start
  6. Engine was weighed but no fluids present. EightyKnots is looking for a wet weight and other items were added to the aircraft in between the final weight sign off so I can't be completely accurate on the wet weight.
  7. Maybe so on the USED 912 but that was my choice and everybody is different. That's all I'll say on that subject. $18k was just the invoice from Viking. You could get it for under $14k without the options I purchased.
  8. I can't say with 100% accuracy but we're pretty sure (almost certain) the engine is 100kg with fluids, everything ready to start. A few people owed me some favours so the shipping was free I purchased my engine with the Viking view, power bus module and their grab bag so just over $18k USD.
  9. No Mark I haven't sent the ECU back for the upgrade. My understanding is that the latest upgrade is to help the engine in cold weather starts which doesn't really apply to me and after the start today...WOW I think she's running sweet.
  10. We had a successful first engine start today! Very smooth and incredibly quiet!
  11. Latest picture. We had a successful first engine start today. I'll post a link in the next few days.
  12. Only one that I know of. Zenith 601 with one of the earlier Viking Engines. I speak to him regularly, very nice guy.
  13. Mark, Do you know of any available Hangar space in Brisbane? Jamie
  14. In Taree Kyle. The guys at Morgan Aeroworks have been over my shoulder the entire process. Jamie
  15. Morgan Cougar with Viking 2013 engine. Picture taken 30th May 2014. Hopefully first start this weekend.
  16. Cougar with Viking
  17. Some pics today, fresh out of the paint shop
  18. Agree with bexrbetter and eighty knots. Jan got it right with his second go and there's no shortage of happy campers! I went with the Viking not just for the low cost but the modern fuel injected engine with redundancy. I spent 2 years researching engines before my final choice. Here's some older pictures of mine during the engine install. Current the aircraft is in the paint shop. http://vikingaircraftengines.ning.com/add-engine-mounting-pictures/image The Morgan cougar / viking combo is a sharp looking aircraft. Stand about 6ft tall, ground to canopy. It has extended wheel struts to allow for the bigger prop recommended by viking. Jamie
  19. I have a Morgan Cougar with a 2013 Viking engine 2 months from trial flights. To my knowledge there is only one Viking engine flying in AU and it's an earlier version. I spoke to the owner Ray last week. He just won an award at Nat fly 2014 for best auto conversion engine. Ray's aircraft is a 601. The Viking is a good investment in my opinion. Jamie
  20. Dav, I'm not a traditional white plane guy! I have a cool red, black and white designed planned out with the painter. The majority will be red. I had the steps up to the wing chome plated by a guy at tingalba. It's going to be a head turner. The majority of old aviation guys don't like anything new and ALL have bad opinions, never have sat in or have flown the type of aircraft and always quick to bag it. I plan to speak up and stick it to them. The reason I want to make videos on my choices is that nothing similar existed when I was shopping around. It took me 2 years to finally sign up with MAW and another 12 months to build. I want to share my experience to help someone else choose what's right for them. There is always going to be issues with kit builds as the owner is the builder and it's traditionally not their full time job. The trick is to show everyone what a professional product can be.
  21. Bex I would think that 102kgs includes battery too?? FYI, I'm using a aerovoltz 16 cell lifepo4 battery to keep the weight down, only 1.3kg @ 500 cold cranking amps. I had to use it last month to start my hilux ute. Damn thing started better than a normal car batt.
  22. +/- 81kg, dry weight.
  23. Bex the guys at Morgan ran the the weight calcs with the engine when setting up the aircrafts CG. We don't know the final weight yet as the aircraft isn't quite finished. I'm expecting it to easily fit within the LSA category.
  24. 6-10 weeks for test flying.... Fingers crossed. I expect delivery late June or early July. The engine is out of the Viking factory in Florida. There doesn't appear to be any unhappy customers yet with plenty flying and many aircraft with cross country hours in the US. I'll be posting some in depth video on the background of my choices so I'll let you know when that happens and send you a message when I get it home. Jamie
  25. Hi David, I have a cougar 2 seat not far off completion. Garry mentioned earlier the Viking engine, that one is mine. I really like the look of this cougar as the undercarriage has been extended in height to accommodate the bigger prop. It's becoming a very, very nice looking RAAus aircraft. I've invested a lot in to this aircraft with every modern con available, glass cockpit, autopilot, BRS and lots more. I'm in Brisbane and heading down to Taree in a few weeks after it comes out of paint to complete the wiring. More than happy to share some pics after that trip. There is some current pics on the Viking Aircraft Engine forum, http://vikingaircraftengines.ning.com/add-engine-mounting-pictures/image. Jamie
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