I Went to an airshow in country NSW. After the show I went up to the Aerobatic display pilot, who was fyling a 2 place pitts, and asked if I could pay him to take me for a ride. He said he was not allowed to take any money to take me for a ride but he said he would do it for nothing.(and that's exactly how I remember it).
he showed me a few things like how to tighten the harness and how to speak on the intercom and away we went
we taxxied out to the runway and took off to the South and a voice came over the intercom "OK you take the controls" I replied very quickly "No No I am not a pilot" he said "thats ok i'll talk you through it" (thinking back, I don't think the fact I wasn't a pilot came as a suprise to him)
With the pilot telling me what to do with the stick and rudder pedals (I did have a little of an idea having flown R/C planes before, but I do mean little) we flew up to 5000ft. Then he got me to line up on a road and drop the nose untill we were doing 110 knots (or was it 120) then pull back on the stick and look above and wait untill yo see the road again then level out when the horizon comes around. Hang on that was a LOOP!
This was followed by a stall (hammerhead) turn flying it straight up while keeping the horizon at 90deg out to the side and at the top kicking in left rudder until your looking straight at the ground. This was followed by a couple of 1G rolls, aileron rolls with a little back pressure on the stick.
In the middle of all that there were a couple of tight turns and manouvers that connected the loops and rolls.
After about 15mins of ammature aerobatics the pilot said "I'll take the controls and show you what a snap roll feels like" Well I can tell you what it feels like when you dont know what to expect. It feels like the left side of your face slapping a perspex bubble with sufficient force to smear saliva over the inside of the canopy while your right eyeball (the one not pressed against the canopy) wittnesses the world snap around in front of you.
The pilot asked me "do you want to try anything else or will we head back" I had one of those DID I THINK THAT OR SAY THAT MOMENTS "I'll try one of those". He explained that a snap roll is no ailerons and then at the same time full up elevator and full right rudder. I mentally prepared and then launched into it. Unfortunatly my brain still said STICK MAKES PLANE GO AROUND and with the addition of full rudder and elevator in my efforts to make it happen quickley I added full aileron.
I knew straight away I didn't do it right for 2 reasons 1. It felt different even with my face off the canopy and 2. the ground was above me now.
I had a second go at the snap roll and nailed it (at least in my mind) locking the horizon in as soon as it came back to level.
That was my first ever experience at flying a plane and I was hooked. When I got home I hunted out my next flying experience and found myself in the front of a Blanik sailplane after theinstructor handed me the controls (not as trusting as the Pitts pilot as I could feel the he was limiting the control movemet) I did a turn to the right and thought "this thing feels broken" after we had landed I decided that my future flying would have to involve an engine.
It only took another 23 years but I got there, and I have to say my most vivid memories of flying are that first loop 23years ago and my first solo only 1 year ago.