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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. Thanks everyone for your advise...and yes it was the overfull, somehow I didn't get it all out when I did the service and when I checked on how much oil it would need with a filter in the Rotax manual I must have put in to much...anyway lesson learn't...I took some oil out (about 600 mill) and all is good... David
  2. Ok great..thanks for your comments..I will have a look at the oil levels.. David
  3. Ok but why is the level ok when it is hot?
  4. Hi All, I seem to have a peculiar problem, I have just done a 50 hr oil and filter change and when the engine is cold I do my normal burping procedure and when I check the oil level it is way above the high level oil point on the stick, no matter how many times I pull it through and burp it I can't get it to come down to half way on the flat of the stick. So I go and start the engine and let it run for a few minutes, oil pressure is good and I turn it off and go and check the oil level and it is perfect....when I check it hot the levels are right...so strange that I now can't get it show the correct level on the stick when I burp it cold....any ideas... maybe I did something when I changed the oil and filter?
  5. Hi skip, Well I guess to answer your question it was buying price for start as it was being sold cheap, next it was that it was used and still is being by various schools and had proved to be a solid training aircraft and at the time I was still in training so I thought I was a good option. It has similar cruising speed to yours and Hasan good endurance with 120L on board. Yes a metal aircraft is probably not as good because of corrosion but my aircraft is under cover and always has been since new so it is ok, I had a little under the wings but it was sorted easily. Skippy I guess if I had lots of money I would definitely by a Faeta the same as Dexter has but unless I will the lotto I will stay with my Sportstar, my biggest issue at the moment is the engine, It only has 100 hrs left to run and I can’t afford a new one so I am madly looking for a viable alternative to a new engine, I hope to find a low hr one in the future, if you ever here of one for sale please let me know. Any happy flying mate and Merry Christmas...???
  6. I have owned my Sportstar Plus now for 4 years, it truly is a very nice aircraft to fly and train in, it has it's little issues like the toe brakes are not so good and the crosswind abilities are lower than most but you learn to overcome these and work with them, you just need to know the aircraft capabilities like any other LSA type aircraft. I like the 118lt of useable fuel for cruising, it will stay up in the air longer than me, if you get my drift, and it has good shoulder room and the seats are ok, sometimes I bring a cushion for the long flights, and now that I have had the prop adjusted for cruise she will cruise at 105-110 on a quiet day, there are a few of the composite LSA aircraft that cruise faster of course. All in all I love my Sportstar and I really enjoy flying her, so if you can find one for the right price I would recommend Sportstar that is for sure.. David
  7. Hi All, Sorry I am bit late to report, we ended up going to the Wondai breakfast where there were approx 20 aircraft, the airfield looked a treat, the boys out there have done a great job maintaining the place. The breakfast itself was very good, maybe not quite as good as Watts Bridge but very nice just the same and the people there are very friendly and easy to talk to, which is very nice. All in all I would highly recommend the breakfast and the facilities and I will definitely go to the next one.. ?
  8. Hi All, I am posting this out of frustration as I am getting sick and tired of getting ripped off on the servicing of my Sportstar aircraft by GA type businesses around the Brisbane region, I would like to ask if anyone knows of a current or semi retired L2 or better that can help me do the servicing of my LSA aircraft for a reasonable price, I don't mind if it is on a weekend. I am happy to fly the aircraft to any of the nearby airfields around the Caboolture region so that the L2 doesn't have to travel far and I am happy to help doing the grunt type jobs as well as learn a little more. I am also happy to pay a negotiated hourly rate and I can supply the parts if required so all he or she needs to do is the labour and fill out the paperwork in my log books and give me maintenance release. Please if anyone can help if you could just PM me with your contact details and I will call you and we can have a chat, In anticipation I thankyou. David L
  9. Yes a big decision now...Watts Bridge breakfast or Wondai they are having theirs on Sunday as well...the boys and girls from both clubs need to work together so this doesn't happen...now which one.... mmmmm
  10. Yes is certainly on the radar Mike..may have to stay the night somewhere though being it is a lunch... David
  11. What we need is a Tshirt/hat or something so we can all recognize each other at AUSFLY? David
  12. Gunna have to come up your way one day Mike.. :) David
  13. Yes we have registered and bought our tickets for the dinner, looking forward to this and hope the weather Gods are good to us for our trip south.. :) David
  14. Thanks mate :) David
  15. The jacks look like the go, where can I get one of them mate? David
  16. What is the CTAF there? is it the same as Orchid Beach? David
  17. Hi Mike, She looks great sitting there in her new hangar...well done..so the airfield there is a sealed runway? David
  18. Hi Tony, Nothing much...just a chat and catch up on Sunday morning when you just want to come over...I can shout you a coffee down the road at Maccas.. David
  19. Yes good mate..see your selling the Jab? what are you going to go to then or not? You need to come for a visit to Caboolture on a Sunday morning sometime. David
  20. Hi RossMc, Welcome mate...I have only just recently moved my aircraft from Redcliffe to Caboolture..good luck with your navs and have fun.. :) David
  21. HI BirdDog, I am not sure what battery you have in your Go Pro but mine only lasts for 45 mins if I am lucky, and when I do get footage it takes me hours to download it and then edit etc....what comp do have to do all of this? I need to buy a new laptop and I want to buy something powerful enough to do this processing of videos a lot quicker than I can currently do them because it really puts me off do videos now.. David
  22. Hi Guys, I have a GoPro silver and I used to use it all the time but the downloading then rendering on my computer took hours....as you say if you don't have top flight and powerful computer it can take hours...I have lost interest in GoPros and then you have the lack of battery time...they just run out way to soon but then I am no expert with GoGro...I think they are a bit painful actually...I prefer now to do live with a Iphone....much easier and no processing video etc..... David
  23. Yes weather's not looking favourable for Gympie this Sunday...
  24. BirdDog, I find in my Sportstar that the only thing that is a bit frustrating is the taco which is a 50mm round gauge on the passenger side, it is a bit hard to see sometimes but the rest I live with.. :) David
  25. extralite, Cooloola Cove may be a better option, it is a bit further away from Rainbow Beach but I believe it is in better condition than the one at Rainbow, not sure who you need to contact there, someone else on the forum may have contact details. David
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