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Everything posted by DGL Fox

  1. You made my day...stepped in my own turd... thats a riot..
  2. Yes there is always one in the crowd isn't there !!!!! I am just enjoying the story and I hope that one day FM YOU make a lot of money out of your story, whether it is a book or movie...I for one will go and see it or read it..well done mate
  3. Great pic's there thanks for sharing them, just for interest what camera did you use for these photo's? David
  4. How about getting to old crew of Mad Max back, they were all out there... Jack Flyer: Mel Gibson Charlie: Bruce Spence ...the crazy flyer Jack's Wife: Rebecca Gibney What do you think? FME It could be a real Aussie classic
  5. Yes I do, do we have any film producers round the forum
  6. Fantastic reading...I am loving the read, looking forward to the next chapter David
  7. Good story OME, we are going back to the UK in June, these places are on our must see travel agenda this time around, I look forward to seeing your pic's when you get home mate. David
  8. Yes ok, 2008 to 2010, so they haven't lodged the reports for 2011/12... that's why we don't have one to look at right? and if that's that case, wouldn't they have bigger problems than just all of us to deal with..yea?
  9. So why did we get the simple version of the financial report and not the detailed financial report, that does seem to be available, and why do I have to go looking for it in some dingy government department filing cabinet when it should have been sent to all members as a separate mail out or with our monthly magazine? Sorry you lost me when you said that there is a detailed financial report. I thought that was one of the reasons everyone was jumping up and down. David
  10. Richard, Yes it is true that the reps are volunteeers and devote a lot of their spare time, but that's what you do when you volunteer for something you give up your time, maybe it's time we talk about paying them a small salary to help them manage the day to day things that we want them to do. Ok maybe someone knows this, is there a scope of duties for being a volunteer rep for RA-AUS, what is a the minimum amount of "work"someone would be expected to do if you put yourself up and then you are voted in by your members? or is just left to them to do whatever they want. If there is not a list of minimum duties we would expect to do in the course of their term, should we formulate one so that the people that put themselves up for the role know what's expected and you don't have members like me asking for more than what they are prepared to give of their own time. So should we consider a small monthly retainer to help with small costs that they may incur doing their duties for us and that may improve their services in general to the members of the area ? David L
  11. Thankyou for your response John, I am the sort of person that likes to see and feel things for myself, I prefer to meet in person, so hopefully one day John we will meet and say G'day. David L
  12. John McK, I see you are the rep for SEQ, let me ask you as you are my rep, I don't know if this is the right forum to ask these questions but seeing we are talking about our Exec Reps I was wondering what our local reps are doing for our organization and us, so if I may, So John do you get around to many of the fly in's etc. What are you doing personally to encourage more activity within our area. Do you think it is a good idea for our elected area rep to be more pro active, for example, maybe a small news letter emailed out once a month to your local members to keep them abreast of what's going on within the board and other news that we may be interested in, maybe when and where members can meet you, things like that. Would you or do you have a table that you could set up at the flyin's you attend with some RA-AUS cards to encourge new memberships. I go to most of the flyin's around the SEQ and I must say I have never had the pleasure of meeting you, do RA- AUS give you name tag to clip on so that when people see it they know who you are and can come and say G'day and have a talk about what new things that are happening etc. All of these things probably sound small but I believe this is an area that needs developing by our local reps, they need to portray a friendly demeanor and when someone asks a question they need to know the answers about what's going on. This is all about the grass roots, getting new people interested in what we do and showing them we are friendly and easy going and approachable people, and not some nose high in sky types that think because we are pilots we are somehow better than everyone else, and yes I have seen these types of people within our ranks that wouldn't give you the time of day and it does nothing to promote us as a sport and organization. David L
  13. Turbo, What I mean by saying this is, that if there is low participation at these meetings there is always the possibility that a small group or groups can push there ideas and policies in a direction that may not be the way the majority want to go. David L
  14. turbo, That's the problem I think, it's not the future meetings that are the problem, sure we will have time to sort out some webinars or similar in time, it's this EGM, it may not solve all the issues but there are some very important decisions to be be made wouldn't you agree? Yes we need to have this EGM as soon as possible but not before the accessibility issue for all members has been addressed and sorted out. Maybe we will need this meeting just work out how this webinars for example, how they will be run and who will set them up on the day and on what site etc and then after that is worked out we call another meeting a month later so that everyone if they wish can join in. I know I sound like a broken record but we really need as many members invoved with our organization as possible, I think this is the only way to stop the small groups from hijacking our meetings and doing things that the majority don't want to see happening and also by having high participation rates we can all monitor and control our executive group more effectively. David L
  15. What happens if you don't know anyone that is going to the EGM to give my proxy too? I don't get a vote and or my opinion or question can't be asked...this has been my issue with this all along.. A lot has been said about apathy from members..well make it easier for members to participate and just maybe the participation level will rise as well !!!!
  16. Well Andy, there are lots of older people that don't have mobile phones these days let alone a computer that is good enough and or a connection fast enough to watch a webinar, I am guessing you have a good connection and good computer, what about the people that live in the country or just out of the city that don't have a fast internet connection or good computer, do we say bad luck to them, no of course not we need to work hard to find a solution for all. I have done lots of webinars and there is a percentage of them you have problems with them, connections etc, that's probably enough to put people off doing it again. Ok on your figures, one meeting per year in each major city ..$2250 per meeting x 6 cities = $13500..right? divided by 13000 members (approx) correct me if I am wrong..how much would that cost to run, do the sums yourself ???? I think I wouldn't mind paying some extra to go a meeting in person in my city without paying for accomodation and time off work in a far off place. I don't know, maybe CASA could help us with the venues, maybe??? I would make the meetings late in the afternoon say 5.00pm or 6.00pm and the meeting could run through to 10.30pm or so, 4.5 hrs to 5.0 hrs for a meeting, there are a lot smarter people than me to coordinate the meeting properly and ensure it runs to time. David
  17. I am one of those with few posts here because I don't like airing my views in this type of public arena, things said here can be taken entirely the wrong way and not in the way they were intended,I would much rather go to a meeting personally and talk face to face, I then I know exactly who I am talking to and what was said both ways. The idea of webinars and audio will not work IMO, I don't think that will prevent apathy in our organization even if it were possible to do it, we need to make it easier for ALL members to attend these meetings. If we need more money to do this, a meeting in each city for example, I for one would be prepared to add some to my membership. Just in passing...I just wonder how many people making comments here are actually fully paid up members of RA-AUS ? David
  18. Well, IMO the thought of having just one EGM is wrong and that is because I can see from these posts that there are small groups of members that have their own barrows to push and I can also see that which ever group wins and installs their policies and ideas may not necessarily be the wishes of the majority of members or mine. I say because this is such a major issue the only way to prevent this from happening is to hold meetings in each capital city so that all the members can come and have their say , the majority rules, yes? and not just 100 or so that can afford to come or that live close enough to attend. Of course their will be some people that would not like this to happen for various reasons only known to themselves and there will also be people that say "go and speak to your rep he will represent your views" well I don't want to, I would like to be there and speak for myself the only problem with that is is that I don't have the money or the time to travel down there. That's my 2 bob's worth !!! David
  19. They thought it was an island...fooled everyone...it was actually a UFO and it just flew away
  20. So what I would like to know is what happens now when the renewel of registrations are held up because of this back log, after all our new consultant is only 1 man, what happens to the members that derive an income from their aircraft and find themselves effectively grounded when the rego runs out, does this open the door for legal action against RA-Aus?
  21. Yes I would love to attend the GM but from Brisbane and a overnight stay... it's just not in the budget.
  22. Yes just for fun mate..should have done it years ago but just didn't have the time. Its still going to take some time to get up the hours for my PPL with work commitments and the like , but Im getting there.
  23. My name is DGL Fox..Fox is close enough :) I come from Brisbane and I am training at Archerfield for my PPL..I have not got many hours up yet 7 or so I think and Im training in a Jab 160. I love flying and have enjoyed every moment of it so far. Im looking forward to chatting with to all the people here. Ok talk to you soon :) Fox
  24. From the album: DGL Fox

    Cygnet flying from airport and water, driving up on beaches, and skimming down the harbor at Mahe Seychelles
  25. DGL Fox

    DGL Fox

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