John McK,
I see you are the rep for SEQ, let me ask you as you are my rep, I don't know if this is the right forum to ask these questions but seeing we are talking about our Exec Reps I was wondering what our local reps are doing for our organization and us, so if I may,
So John do you get around to many of the fly in's etc.
What are you doing personally to encourage more activity within our area.
Do you think it is a good idea for our elected area rep to be more pro active, for example, maybe a small news letter emailed out once a month to your local members to keep them abreast of what's going on within the board and other news that we may be interested in, maybe when and where members can meet you, things like that.
Would you or do you have a table that you could set up at the flyin's you attend with some RA-AUS cards to encourge new memberships.
I go to most of the flyin's around the SEQ and I must say I have never had the pleasure of meeting you, do RA- AUS give you name tag to clip on so that when people see it they know who you are and can come and say G'day and have a talk about what new things that are happening etc.
All of these things probably sound small but I believe this is an area that needs developing by our local reps, they need to portray a friendly demeanor and when someone asks a question they need to know the answers about what's going on.
This is all about the grass roots, getting new people interested in what we do and showing them we are friendly and easy going and approachable people, and not some nose high in sky types that think because we are pilots we are somehow better than everyone else, and yes I have seen these types of people within our ranks that wouldn't give you the time of day and it does nothing to promote us as a sport and organization.
David L