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About highwing

  • Birthday 27/03/1969


  • Aircraft
    Jabiru J230
  • Location
    Ballarat Vic
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  1. Does anyone know what is happening with the Jab operating limitations? Apparently CASA's Airworthiness department is happy with Jab engines now, but the limitations are still in force and I was wondering if anyone knows why?
  2. Ballarat.
  3. Thx Mike.
  4. Thanks ="Andys@coffs, post: 450867, member: 94"]First thing I would do is undo the flap change (that's an attempt at treating the symptom rather than the cause) and then I'd follow the Jabiru manual that specifically has all the rigging checks in it (http://www.jabiru.net.au/Manuals/Airframe Construction/Sections/Testing_Rigging_JALL.pdf ) I would be very surprised if you don't find an anomaly against the manual. At the end of the day the question is better asked of Jabiru and only once you have performed and documented all tests in the linked manual. I would also like to understand why you thought it best to adjust the flap, given its a roll issue why try fixing it with control surfaces closest to the main body of the aircraft? There the changes required are likely to be much greater in adjustment than at the end of the wing......And by that I'm not suggesting you just adjust aileron.......just do what the manual says to do first. If for example you have a bit of up aileron on the left and you introduce down flap on that side all you have done is achieve a neutral but in doing so introduced a drag element that doesn't need to be there and its asymmetrical which may well bite you later. Lastly please be very honest in assessing your skills against those required, if having read the manual you feel you can easily do the work under your L1 rating then great, if not then no shame in getting a L2 or better to do the work. What Rego is the aircraft and do you crosshire it at all? If you do then you must not do the work yourself, unless your an L2 or better in which case you wouldn't be asking this question I would think.... The best skill a L1 can have, and one that will save your ar$e more than any other knowledge, is to know when you need more skilled assistance. Asking the question here is a great start. Andy P.S in the manual I linked to you can see they used a spirit level as the straight edge. I would do the check on concrete floor known to be level and I would be looking to see that the bubble for the horizontal was in the same place for both wingstips. This is only a gross check because flying attitude does not necessarily equate to the same attitude when sitting on landing gear. If the bubble is different at the outside of the wings when comparing both sides then there is a rigging error, or a tricycle gear error....given the roll Id be inclined to believe the former P.P.S I note that page 8 of the test flight manual specifically deals with rigging issues and the corrections needed (http://www.jabiru.net.au/Manuals/Airframe Construction/Sections/Testing_Flight testing_JALL.pdf) I also note that J specify to use flap adjustment, which is only true if the aileron is already rigged correctly...here's hoping the whole eccentric bush thing isn't needed...that looks to be a pain to do! Thank you for your advice and link. I was advised by a L2 to adjust the flaps but it seems strange that the adjustment needs to be so much. I think verifying the bubble is a good first step and will do this first.
  5. Dear All, I recently tried to stop the aircraft rolling to the left when the ailerons are in the neutral position by adjusting the left flap. In this case I made the adjustment to lower the left flap. It is working but the left flap is now visually obvious that it is lower than the right flap. Is this normal??? Does anyone know what other causes that could induce a roll to the left? During flight it rolls to the left with ball in the centre, and the ailerons neutral. The ailerons have been confirmed neutral with control stick centred when on the ground. The roll rate increases with an increase in power even with ball centred. Can anyone advise on how I can eliminate the left roll without such significant flap adjustment???
  6. When you fly 20hrs per month, flying around within 100nm would become pretty mundane. Even less hours overtime would achieve same outcome. Individuals would be different but as one flies more hours you'll need to travel further. Also, i know others that do use lsa aircraft for travel due to significantly lower cost compared to GA. So i think certain groups of people in the recreation aviation sector do require lsa that performs like a GA aircraft or better. Weather permitting I fly minimum 4hrs per week and if constrained to 100nm it would be pointless. Some may say that i should get GA aircraft, again the cost difference is substantial. GA aircraft is unviable for most people to do any serious travelling. So a lsa that does 150kts+ with range 700nm+ would be very attractive for travelling.
  7. It appears website doesnt exist yet. Great aircraft but what would someone think about the after sales support when website can be down for so long?
  8. They are gook looking planes. Just wondering does any one know what addition maintenace costs are involved with a csu and retractable gear? I am considering the skyleader 600.
  9. Correct!!! But what else… ?
  10. 3800]Whats the saftey record like of a Jabiru? Besides pilot error, and maybe... non-factory kit builds.. what is it's saftey record like here in Australia? They look very light and flimbsy, but I'm sure they aren't. I've never seen one up close. Also, I may have misunderstood, but I think I heard the running costs sit at $50/hour inc Maint. Could that be right? That's like a car! For a j160 on mogas it's closer to $60/hr but this is only the operational cost. When you inlcude fixed costs, the rate is similar to hiring the same a/c. But if you are only flying 1hr per week, it's cheaper to hire.
  11. Would airbags increase survival rate and reduce injury in jabs during forced landings? It's cheaper than a chute. I am just brainstorming…
  12. Does anyone know the differences between the j230c and j230d? I can't find any info anywhere. Can anyone assist?
  13. t: 425603, member: 3515"]Your estimates seem around the mark however your insurance quote seems on the light side. Good luck with it all. If you'd like a fly in a J230 PM me with some contact details and I'll see what I can do. Thanks and i was fortunate Thanks for offer and comment. I was fortunate enough to be offered a ride in a j230 today. Nice a/c, powerful, stable and sounds excellent. I can see why people like it. It looked really easy to land. One thing i noticed is the cabin is smaller than the j160. I can see good points in both jabs. Therefore, which i should buy is a hard decision. Jab did a great job on both designs.
  14. Thanks and i agree, i can see the advantage and freedom of ownership. From my estimates fixed costs are $3700 (hangarage + insurance) and operating cost $79/hr using avgas. The uncertainty is the insurance. I was quoted $1500 + 10% stamp duty to insure j230 for $70,000. That appears low compared to what i have heard from others. What do you think of my estimates above and the insurance cost quoted?
  15. Would you know operational cost for a j230 on mogas?
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