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Everything posted by Ryanm

  1. TAS correct for given RPM and conditions?
  2. I’d be VERY careful using the rule of thumbs for performance. This will vary wildly between types.
  3. Like “Pending clearance”
  4. I used VFR Fight Following back in the day quite a lot. Was very handy when transiting high density traffic areas, and of course, they hand you to the next controller if required. ADSB has the same sort of limitations as RADAR. Unless there’s a station within range, it’s useless. Yes, these days you can get ADSB-IN/OUT instrumentation, but not many planes have that feature. If you’re using an EFB, it’s useless unless you have phone coverage. (Unless my understanding is way off the mark).
  5. Only works if there’s RADAR coverage. No good out in the sticks.
  6. Assuming you’re not using an EFB. You’d need the applicable VTC/VNC/ERC chart for the area concerned. There is a ERC for every corner of AUS, which has the FREQ and boundaries.
  7. It’s about time! How long has Pt61 been in force?
  8. Not sure I’d agree with deviating from the published glide speeds. Most smaller aircraft only publish one speed, but the actual variation isn’t much. Any faster/slower, you’re in no mans land. I wouldn’t be increasing speeds due to headwinds. The best bet is to adjust your legs (downwind etc) in respect to time, not speed.
  9. If you plan to fly early morning, you should miss the worst of the thermals. The “Build up” will start to show its ugly head soonish, so just be aware of the potential for Storms.
  10. Study up on meteorology. Not just how to read reports (TAFs etc), but what weather actually is and how it can affect you.
  11. Spacesailor, Someone with a “Maintenance Certification” has been trained/approved to be knowledgeable in Aircraft Systems/Maintenance. Without being rude, anyone can build an aircraft, and may very well have to get the dictionary out to see what an Aileron is (I’m not saying this is you, just making a point). So the system is built around the worst case. The posts regarding Gliders is a great example.
  12. If your still training, I understand; but if you hold a certificate, how was this not covered during your training? OzRWYs (or any EFB) is only good if it has a live internet connection. Plenty of PRDs are activated via NOTAM and can be activated with little or no notice. So although the EFB may indicate they’re not active prior to flight, by the time you get there they very well could be. The last line of defence is as you rightly pointed out, ask ATC. They’ll never bark at you for asking. But you will definitely hear about it if you fly through an active PRD.
  13. It can also he help to establish comms (“Brisbane Centre, Cessna ABC”) and waiting for a direct response prior to rattling off your details. This’ll give them a chance to be ready, rather than asking you to “say again”. You can always ask for VFR Flight Following. It’s only available where there’s RADAR coverage, and subject to ATC workload, but can make transits much easier than sneaking up on them and knocking on the door.
  14. Your best bet would be to speak to a Maintenance organisation in regards to maintenance costs. Every service is different based on what items are due (replacement/inspection/repair). For instance, magnetos generally need an overhaul at 500hrs (generic) vs timing every 100hrs etc. A mechanic worth their salt will be able to give you a close figure for the Aircraft in question, if they have experience on type.
  15. Great you’re getting back into it Jayke. 1. My suggestion (and what I’d expect a School to say) is to simply go for a fly with an instructor and see where you’re at. Get back up to scratch (if needed) and then move on to the next step. 2/3. It’s ideal to be be studying the theory parallel with the practical flying. There’s really no limit as to what to study. Aviation Theory Centre and Bob Tait both produce a whole range of study books. Start off with “Basic Aeronautical Knowledge”, then PPL, then CPL. If you’re really up for pain and suffering, there’s always the ATPL exams... I used both ATC and Bob Tait. Between the two, they cover all you need to know at that level. If you’re going to continue your studies at your previous school, they’ll still have you exam. But I’d suggest a refresher wouldn’t hurt.
  16. Civil Aviation Regulation 258 is the underlying rule. Basically you must be within gliding distance at all times unless you can comply with various other regulations. One of which is CAO20.11 which deals with emergency equipment requirements. Keep in mind that “Land” is referring to a suitable landing area. You can’t use a rock for,action off the coast as “Land”.
  17. Lots of variables to have a generic rule of thumb. The POH/AFM might already give you the figures for various weights, as well as penalties for atmospheric conditions. Check the Performance section.
  18. Agreed! Yes it’s interesting, but you can work it out based on DIST vs time and adjusting for wind.
  19. Got a few hundred hours on these things. They're pretty easy to fly and a bit of fun. Never noticed any major pitch issues as you described. Something that was drummed into me early on was that it always pays to start applying power to the rear engine first. This is because you can't see or hear it over the noise of the one up front. The rear engine is the "critical engine" but not in the same respect as a conventional twin. Not a great performer in hot and heavy conditions, but so long as you respected it, it's was a pleasure. Just bring ear plugs or a good headset!
  20. I'd recommend having a look at Bob Taits suite of subject manuals for the PPL and CPL exams. I haven't read the PPL suite, but the CPL Nav manual covers in great detail how to use these (from memory, it actually has instructions for two versions). Worth having a look at. You'll learn how to Navigate at a CPL level too.
  21. I got a GoPro Hero + for x,as. Love it! I haven't messed around with settings a great dal, but I love how clear it is. Took it up for a fly recently, unfortunately it captured the prop with that weird effect and the panel (cowling) was a little distorted. Changing the recording settings to 60fps reduced but didn't eliminate the prop.
  22. Very good reason to check the actual NOTAMs rather than relying solely on the map screen.
  23. No we won't!
  24. ATC wouldn't have offered 34 in normal circumstances. It would have been at the request of the crew, and for many reasons. Going missed could have been due to becoming "unstable" during the final stages of the approach. Wind gusts can get you outside the stable zone very quickly.
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