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Everything posted by Ryanm

  1. No doubt it will go ahead and they'll "simply" raise the MDA on the NDB approach making it useless!
  2. An hour in the Cubcrafters Cub is $235 not $375.... from their website.
  3. Might be worth ringing the guys at Goolwa or Aldinga for details.
  4. Should have the month and year on the front! If not, then that's a keeper! Would be interesting on a ramp check.
  5. I would say just by the colour that it's out of a Boeing of some description.
  6. From memory there is/was a friendly Aeroclub. Been a few years but they were always happy to greet us when we stopped by for fuel.
  7. The RAAF King Air's use "Husdon xx" as their call-sign.
  8. I would imagine that ability would probably help during the interview...
  9. Nicely done there mate!
  10. The Class C around Coffs does
  11. One of my favorites!
  12. I wouldn't assume that "passing" traffic is always up nice and high. They may be operating at a lower level due cloud, operational reasons or just because they want to. The AIP states that when an aircraft is leaving controlled airspace, they are to make a broadcast on the area frequency with their position, level, intentions. eg; "Traffic to the North of XXXX and Melbourne Centre, ABC is 20nm to the north of XXX passing F180 on decent, joining a 10nm final rwy XX, estimating the circuit at 15." So if you are on your way into the same field and monitoring Area, you will know about that traffic. If you're only monitoring the CTAF, you won't know about it till it's potentially a conflict. That isn't to say that there may already be a conflict, but it's just one more safeguard. That's just one example, there are many other reasons why monitoring the Area frequency is important.
  13. Listening to the area frequency is just as important whether you're operating IFR or VFR. You can occasionally receive traffic information if under radar coverage if there is an aircraft coming right at you (I've been alerted to this on more than one occasion while operating VFR), as well as operational information for that particular area (SIGMETS, NOTAMS, Restricted areas that have opened etc).
  14. That's painful! Is there only the one flight out in the arvo?
  15. The 300 out of Brissie had an un-commanded Auto-Feather which although gets your attention, isn't the end of the world. Since the prop has feathered, you just have to secure it and come back and land.
  16. Same thing today... drops off and takes quite a while to get it back. It shows a green dot, a lat/long and plots the aircraft on the map. But the Aircraft and Lat/Long information is wrong. (We would have been in trouble had we actually been where it was saying we were!)
  17. I've noticed that since updating to v4, that it loses the GPS signal easily. It used to be like that in the early days of OzRunways. I'm hoping it was just my iPad having a bad day.
  18. That's the best way to go (calculate at various weights to see what fuel you can/cannot carry). But you should always do a complete W&B for each sector and as others have said, you must use actual weights with smaller aircraft.
  19. Have a read of this mate. CAAP 253-1
  20. That would probably get ones attention!
  21. It's not a bad idea to have a look at a CPL level NAV/MET book, this will give you great insight to the world of navigation.
  22. I get 30+ hours in my original Bose headset, no bluebooth.
  23. Comes standard in the form of ADSB!
  24. One reason why it's not a bad idea to carry paper charts.
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