Howard Huges is correct.
The min vis/cloud base required for an IFR departure depends on the aircraft. Unfortunately the DAPs don't seem to have the requirements on the charts. They are published on the aerodrome chart in Jeppessen.
One thing that you need to be careful of is terrain. You may very well depart but then smack into a hill. You need to make a plan on how to depart the aerodrome in IMC safely. Each chart shows the MSA (Minimum Safe Altitude) within 10nm/25nm. You need to get above this ASAP. With no SID, the only way to do it is to stay above any DME steps, climb in the circling area or stay visual.
We need to be on track within 5nm of the departure aerodrome. This is done by using an intercept heading that will put you on track. Then use either NDB, VOR GPS or DR to stay on track. If in CTA, the controllers will vector you around and then send you on your way.
As far as tuning aids along the flight. You are right, basically tune to stations that will be of use to you. Use VORs and NDBs to cross check your position when you can. DME is easier as you will know the radial and distance :)