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Everything posted by Ryanm

  1. Well done mate! Bugger about the flightplan! Ive had ATC tell me they dont have my plan plenty of times.... even though I have a printed copy in front of me! :confused:
  2. Not to mention the old coffee under the galleys! The life of an apprentice!
  3. We now use Vuplex as Plexus was becoming harder to source. Works pretty well and is cheaper.
  4. No drams but you did the hard work!
  5. Congrats Steve! Hard work paid off! :)
  6. G'Day Self study isnt a bad way to go. Allow at-least two weeks per exam, Performance may take a little longer. I just booked the exam two weeks in advanced and thats all the inspiration I needed. If you have the time and money, the full time theory courses would be ok. But if your trying to juggle work/school, then the self study would be the best option. I recommend the Bob Tait CPL books, to the point and easy to understand. At the end go and do the practice exams on the Bob Tait website.
  7. G'Day all I recently did a charter down to a strip at Antechamber Bay. It’s on the north eastern coast of KI. Small family owned farm with a Cafe.. Very nice place. Don’t know about accommodation, but it’s a great place for a coffee. Dean's strip near American river is also pretty good. You will need to ask for permission before you go though. Kingscote doesn’t have a great deal to offer other than a security controlled airfield and the RPT flights.
  8. G'Day Jodie, Steve. You want to cheat during your solo nav????:ah_oh: Good idea to get to know the system, can come in handy, but as you know dont reply on it! Nothing beats map reading as the GPS could fail one day and you wont remember how to map read! It believe the sporties have the Garmin 495. http://www8.garmin.com/manuals/GPSMAP495_OwnersManual.pdf
  9. G'Day Guy Im not sure if there are any plans to go there. I havent been at the airfield for two weeks.
  10. Some nice pics there mate! That Beech 18 was a beautiful machine!
  11. Tricky one! Unfortunatly I havnt worked on a 777 so dont know the system specifically. The spoiler directly behind the actuator deployed, so I cant really imagine that actuator being for the next (Outboard) spoiler. Anyone got access maintenance manual for the 777?
  12. G'Day Guys Thanks for the welcome. I dont own an aircraft. Im a RA-Aus senior instructor for Adelaide Biplanes flying the sportstar.
  13. Does anyone know if it failed in flight or on touch down?
  14. G'Day Everyone! Finally registered! Good site, hope to find some time to read all the stories and add some of my own. Look forward to chatting to everyone!
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