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Everything posted by skez

  1. skez


    cool thanks mate ill have a look
  2. skez


    cool let us know when theres a website etc....im currently fixing up a t500....need info on alot of things for example the factory trim etc as mine is gone and ive never seen how there meant to go lol,,,,plus any info or parts and pretty much anything as theres not much support for these anymore,,well none that i can find anyway, i think evan the manuals arent getting made anymore, i got a paper version but
  3. That airstrip was near Townsville were we bought it from....its in mackay now in the shed half pulled apart. ..ive got a fair bit of things to fix on it including fabric replacement...im a fair way off flying it i still have to finish my licence fix the thruster and find somewhere to hangar it in mackay or close to it...but yeh its just no $$ holding me back to broke atm
  4. My T500 in mackay qld
  5. Hey mate give kaye hayes a call i think she has a few left (07) 5423 1963
  6. messaged you....and i can find most things online except for the thruster t500 manuals
  7. Tried that email a while back with no luck...
  8. Hey does any one know where i can buy or download a manual for a thruster t500...i cant seem to find them anywhere?
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