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Everything posted by yampy

  1. Terrible outcome ....
  2. I'm merely passing on a email that I received today .. Maybe it is " dribble " , I don't know .. Perhaps it may be time to take the issue up with Jill Bailey , after all she is implicated in this email .. Please don't shoot the messenger as they say .
  3. I've just received this email via the Illawarra Flyers group .. Hi Paul & John & others RAAus have established the cause of the crash at Moruya as control surface flutter caused by a dislodged control cable turnbuckle. Jill Bailey has said they cannot mention the aircraft type because of litigation but that since this information came to light others have now reported problems with turnbuckles too. Dave
  4. Here's to a speedy and full recovery for the injured pilot .
  5. Graham. Thanks from me too ... A good turn out indeed .
  6. Beautiful . absolutely beautiful ..
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