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Everything posted by yampy

  1. Components in the leading edge slat assembly not meeting manufacturing standards apparently. The FAA are to issue a Airworthyness Directive (AD) , directing all operators of the 737 Max and 737NG to conduct inspection and repair if necessary within 10 days . This will affect almost every operator of the 737 in Australia . Dave
  2. Jack . I assume you are referring to flying an aircraft under an ultralight registration . As I understand it , and I stand corrected if it’s not the case , an aeroplane has to carry an ICAO registration in order to be flown internationally , in other words in the case of Australia a VH registration prefix . I’m led to believe that the Australian method of ultralight registrations , eg by a numerical prefix is not internationally recognised . As I say , perhaps someone else may be able to throw more light on the situation, and like you welcome further input . Dave
  3. Talking of Lancs and all that , I just happened to find these beer mats hiding between the Sheep Shaggers , the Old Farts and a few Bishops Fingers . All I need now is to find my Spitfire beer mats and I can get a beer mat formation flight going .
  4. Phil . It is the BBMF Lanc which carries the military serial PA474 . It’s had a few codes applied over the years and HW-R was carried about 2012 I believe . Currently it’s KC-A . Although the squadron coding has changed its always retained its military serial of PA474 and named City of Lincoln . The only other airworthy Lanc is coded VR-A and corresponds to its Canadian civil reg of C- GVRA . They flew together a couple of years ago when the Canadian example crossed the pond for the UK airshow season . I didn’t get to see them , sods law ain’t it .
  5. Phil . Some of my flying muckas in Brum tell me a Spitfire overflew Castle Bromwich today at about the same time . It was BOBMF Spitfire MK326 , a 1944 build model . Only 75 yrs old and still going strong . Lovely jubbly aer kid .
  6. The parachute centre at Wilton will fall victim to the massive urban encroachment on its doorstep long before Badgerys opens , and I understand may already have secured alternative options to the North of Sydney . It currently drops from FL140 with clearance from SYD Approach as it’s operations are within CTR, it occasionally has clearance delays as airliners on a STAR pass nearby . I see one Recreational Flying school in the Sydney area is advertising a PilotCertificate + cross country endorsement package at almost $20,000 or close to $400/ hr , I fear Badgerys will be the least of their worries .
  7. Phil .. Reminds me of Armstrong and Miller , it’s a well bad War is it man , like firing guns and all that ?. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Ena in daylight , out of the Rovers and without a Milk Stout in hand . Anyone who thinks I’ve gone doolally needs to get on the YouTube is it and do a reccie and all that .
  8. The Wedderburn webcam is available on Skycam.net.au , although a little farther distant from WOL than the Mittagong camera , it does include a link to the BOM radar , a airfield diagram and a synoptic chart . Dave
  9. Why not take the train from Macarthur to Circular Quay ? .. Even less sweat .
  10. No it’s genuine all right . You see , you all assumed it was flying at a rapid rate of knots . You are wrong . It’s hovering . Just check the exhaust gasses , there aren’t any , so there you go . It’s the top secret hovering Bae Hawk the RAF tried to keep secret .
  11. Forget the fancy - dancy joints and head to Birmingham , the curry capital of the UK . The “ Balti Triangle “ is an area chocker block full of curry houses . My recommendation is Akrams in Stirchley , top tucker .
  12. Two very interesting publications OME, particularly for us locals .
  13. I think technically it is an advisory lane , as it is entirely within Class G airspace , however , as there are both North and South routings as documented on the Sydney VTC , I think it would be pretty stupid to fly on reciprocal headings to those shown . There are numerous both way low level lanes though , the V1 lane off the coast of Sydney is one such example . I have flown the Bankstown lane of entry a few times , always as per the ERSA , never see any opposite direction traffic , but always aware , and maintain a good VFR lookout .
  14. “ G registered “ as in UK registered aircraft ?
  15. I used to live not far from the site at Broadway . It’s atop a hill and is visible for many miles around . The Whitley crashed on the only hill for many a mile around . Unfortunately there are many such sites in the UK , although many are not recognised as sites of significance now . A Halifax bomber crashed on return from a bombing raid in our local town killing a number of crew and people on the ground . It crashed on a row of houses , in coincidentally for this site anyway Adelaide Street .
  16. Have a fun weekend . I hope the weather stays favourable for your intended visitors . i understand the cafe at The Green is pretty good . I’ll have to give it a go the next time I’m in the area , hopefully , I’ll be there in September for the B of B display at Duxford , that’s the plan anyway . Anyroad up , roll out the welcome mat for your visitors and keep drinking the rosy lee . Dave
  17. If anyone ever deserves official recognition it’s this man . A true gentleman and an inspiration to all , an example to all to aspire to .
  18. It was probably just as quiet over at “ The Green “ . Always loved flying around the Shropshire and Worcestershire area on a cool Winters day , it’s magic when the air is cool and dense , oh , the Staffordshire area ain’t bad either I recall . It’s reported you are to be subjected to the hottest forecasted February day on record maybe this weekend sometime . I can see the headlines now “ Gawd Blimey , it’s hotter than The Costas “ ?
  19. I’ve been down to the Avalon show a few times flying down from SYD to MEL then bus, train and bus again to get to the show , and then at the end of the day do it all again . I always regarded the Melbourne public transport organisation and frequency of services to be far superior to Sydney .
  20. I’ve flown both the LSA and J160 albeit some years ago . I seem to recall that the J160 was slightly heavier on control input , but not overly so . The main difference that I remember was the very sluggish climb rate of the J160 compared to the LSA model . It seemed to rely on the curvature of the Earth to get any rate at all , particularly on a hot day .
  21. Funny you you should say that , so did I ?. Must be a bloke thing .
  22. I enjoy watching the videos from Gyrocopter Girl too , but I’ll be honest . I’m not interested in the aviation content . I can get that elsewhere .? ?
  23. A wonderful send of for a wonderful couple . Thank you Phil for being there . R.I.P Victor and Edna Dave
  24. Join the Navy and feel a man .
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