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Everything posted by Derby

  1. Hi Rollerball You should not shut down a engine if you are going to crash land as if one of the blades are down it may tip your plane.Props bend easy when they are spinning. Cheers Rory
  2. Hi all I had the pleasure of meeting him last year when i sold my J400 he was the pilot who flew it back to Jackobs well with the new owner of my plane very nice man i hope he pulls through. Cheers Rory
  3. Hi The engine was stopped as the top blade has no damage done to it. Cheers Rory
  4. What planet are you from Ho Ho Jabs for ever
  5. Hi my J400 has never pulled more than 2700 revs static but will go to the red line flying even with the Jab prop I have a 3 blade revolution prop and it will rev higher on the ground but only if it is pitched "fine" I have set it so that the static revs are as per the Jab prop.All good with the engine.(Solid lifter). Cheers Rory
  6. Right on Dafydd. By the I have Had a Revolution 3 bladed prop made in Bundaberg for 350 hours it's carbon fibre and could not be happier with it.PS it's on a j400
  7. Hi Old Koreelah It's just the standard one that Jab supplied with the kit Odyssey 625. Cheers Rory
  8. Hi All I have got 8 and a bit years out of my Odyssey and had no problems with it ever. Cheers
  9. Right on you just have to look at a mustang P51 wing its the same on top as the bottom. Rory
  10. Yes they are very good and work a treat.Recomended Cheers Rory
  11. The Spitfire is rated to 10+6- and is better in a dog fight as is has better manoverability looks better to.
  12. Hi All As with everything in aviation or anything else they are only a guide but at least you have a starting point. Cheers Rory
  13. HI Why not make your own it's not hard just drain your tanks and get a bit of wood 25/5mm or so and tape a bit of clear tube to the side make sure that the bottom of the tube is level with the bottom of the stick and the top is the same there add the first 10 lts dip and hold the stick in for a few seconds place your finger over the tube and pull out, fuel will be in the tube at the level it's in the tank mark the stick and repeat again at 5 or 10 ltr intervals .And now you have your dipstick it does not take long. Cheers Rory
  14. Hi All I have had no trouble with my ipad and external GPS (Bad Elf) it has never dropped out or lost the plot. Cheers Rory
  15. My bad it said may use mogas above 95. Also talks about mogas in Jab service letter JSL 007-4.
  16. I though Jab has approved the use of mogas above 95. it's in my manual Cheers Rory
  17. Have you checked the Notams
  18. Hi Vev. 2 blades are more efficient Than 3 but as you get more power you need more blades to be able to use the power that is why all or most planes with lots of power have 3 or more blades ww2 fighters had 3 or more if the blade length could be increased you could get away with 2, the most efficient number is 1 but it's very hard to balance.
  19. I did not know Jabiru made a single seat
  20. Give me a Bristol Centaurus anyday. Cheers Rory
  21. Hi Evan you can go through at 2500' according to my instructor. But not higher.
  22. Have you checked to see if the magnet is still magnatized or not as magnets can sometimes demagnatize, just a thought. Rory
  23. Lucky you Bob poor old me has to go back to that bl--dy tug again. Oh well sh-t happens I hope you had a good tirp .Cheers Rory
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