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Everything posted by Derby

  1. Hi planesmaker, I have a J400 . I don't think a 100hp would not be enough power. But i love the J400 it's a great plane. Rory
  2. I might be depending on how much to fit with a 914.That being said my 3300 is still running fine at 410 hours. Rory.
  3. Hi Bill. Thanks for that. You learn somthing every day . Chears Rory
  4. Hi All, I was told the max pax is 6 including you. Rory
  5. Great mate should be more of it. Rory
  6. Hi Bob It's Rory at work at Barrow Island
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    1. biggles


      Gidday Rory , Just stumbled on this by accident tonight . Must have missed the 'alert' , if you in fact get one . Anyway you're at work and probably looking forward to your time off. Rain has stopped here until Wed. and the grass is growing rapidly but suppose your family is well trained in house maint. Get back to work !! Bob
  7. Hi Tomo. I was told if you stop the engine and depending what type of prop it has it has the potentual to flip the aircraft over.When the engine is running the blades will not dig in they just bend. Rory
  8. Hi all. Stopping the engine is what you do not want to do, that's what i was told when lerning. Rory
  9. Derby

    New Jabiru Engine

    I will Have one thanks. Rory
  10. It's almost like your first solo. well done.
  11. yes tell me about it, me too
  12. Hi, Mallacoota dose not have av gas. Rory
  13. Derby

    Battery Life

    My Odyssey Coming up to 6 years it is as good as new in my j400 Rory
  14. Hi sfGnome, i don't think there is. Rory
  15. Hi All. 1KW is 1.34HP or 1HP is 746 watts. Rory
  16. Derby


    Hi trevoratbay, My J400 runs about the same on no6 head. My oil temp is about 85 to 95 depending on oat on the day all good i think
  17. Right on
  18. Hi I read somewhere, that a high wing is more efficient than a low wing and a low wing is more efficient than a mid wing. Rory
  19. Hi Nong, might be, all i know is if you don't let go of the prop it's ok, if you let it go or your hand slips of it will hurt (a lot). But it's helps if you have help.
  20. Hi Gerg, I just hold on with my hand it's not too hard. it is only 80 psi Rory
  21. Re Lycoming, Continental: They still do just look at the crash comics all the engine ad's.
  22. g'day Yenn i'm with you my J400 has 375 hours now I have only had a stuck ring on no6 piston, easy fix, only found it after leak down test, apart from that it was and still is runing like a clock could not be happier. ps i have never had to use the choke.
  23. has anyone tried QBE, that's who I use, I find them to be good. But it"s through the saaa. Rory
  24. HI Steven, that is only 11kg less than my j400. is your 160 factory built? Rory
  25. If you work in the marine fields you need a AMIC but and it's a big but it lasts five (5) years . Go figure. Rory
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