My aircraft showed up on flight radar 24 the first time I used my Sky echo . I had a friend check for me. It didn’t show aircraft type but showed reg # RAAus .
I have owned my Sting 2006 model 912 uls for 6 years I am second owner from new . It is fast and economical to run . It has well balanced controls and has no unpleasant vices. Vne is 165knts and stalls at 35knts and I cruise at 115 to 125knts depending on power settings. Mine has an airmaster electric cs speed prop which is extremely good and combines good short take off and climb 1000+ fpm and cruises 115 at 26”map . Only minus is it runs out of back trim for landing you have to hold a little back pressure on stick but only a little pressure required and it wiggles the tail a little bit in mod turbulence. If you decide to purchase make sure its had the heavier nose wheel strut upgrade which is one of the very few ad,s and bulletins on this aircraft . Tl ultralights have a very good maintenance manual and parts manual all available on their website. Annuals are a very simple task following the manual and requires very little airframe maintenance .
Hope this helps
My aircraft is based at security controlled airport so no way around it and CASA doesn’t have anything to do with ASIC I also fly into other security controlled airports so need it for that . I am not happy having to do it though especially for the 3rd issue of my card , fair enough the first time but not every time.
$257 and 3 month wait for my last asic renewal now I have to do my own criminal background checks . I’m not sure who the criminal is here but I am starting to work it out. 🤔
Our Aeroclub is looking to purchase a flight simulator suitable for flying training for RAaus and light GA mainly to build confidence on approaches ,radio calls etc . It does not necessarily have to be able to qualify for log book time. Is there anyone that has any experience or knowledge on this . Any advice would be appreciated thanks
Mine runs the disk it uses alternator type brushes and I have never had to replace them and still plenty of length left. The prop was fitted by the previous owner just before I bought the aircraft off him as the woodcomp had time expired and no longer a dealer in Australia. The airmaster was purchased second hand with low hours and actually came off a tecnam which was going to be used for training and converted back to fixed pitch for simplicity so it wasn’t even specced for the Sting . I never few the aircraft with woodcomp In flight adjustable but previous owner reckoned the airmaster was much better. He got approval off TL ultralights to fit the prop.
Everyone that flys with me is impressed by the performance over a fixed pitch.
Hope this helps with your decision . I don’t think you would be disappointed with the performance increase for the extra money spent.
I posted this back in may when you asked the same question.
I have run this cs unit for the last five years and couldn’t be happier with it. See below again!
I run an airmaster with warp drive blades on my 912uls Sting and the performance is exceptional. In take off mode the engine revs to 5700 rpm and the acceleration pushes you back into the seat . I switch it to climb mode 5500rpm about 100 ft off the ground and put the flaps away as it will quickly accelerate through max flap speed 77knts and climb out solo at 80knts at 1300 -1500 ftpm depending on the day And fully loaded it will climb out at 1000 + and temps stay in the green . In the cruise mode 5000 rpm at 24in manifold pressure I get about 115ktas at 15-16l hr and at 26in I get about 125 ktas at 18lhr I plan on 115knts and 18lhr. It is also very good slowing down the aircraft when I put it back to climb mode when I am setting up for landing on down wind . I have also had the misfortune of using the feather mode when I had an engine failure due to oil pump drive pin breaking and locked the engine during my BFR of all things we were 5 miles to the SW of the airport at 2500 agl and made it back to airport with ease . Passed my BFR ? and rotaxs do break. It is also very easy to service . Hope this helps again.
I run an airmaster with warp drive blades on my 912uls Sting and the performance is exceptional. In take off mode the engine revs to 5700 rpm and the acceleration pushes you back into the seat . I switch it to climb mode 5500rpm about 100 ft off the ground and put the flaps away as it will quickly accelerate through max flap speed 77knts and climb out solo at 80knts at 1300 -1500 ftpm depending on the day And fully loaded it will climb out at 1000 + and temps stay in the green . In the cruise mode 5000 rpm at 24in manifold pressure I get about 115ktas at 15-16l hr and at 26in I get about 125 ktas at 18lhr I plan on 115knts and 18lhr. It is also very good slowing down the aircraft when I put it back to climb mode when I am setting up for landing on down wind . I have also had the misfortune of using the feather mode when I had an engine failure due to oil pump drive pin breaking and locked the engine during my BFR of all things we were 5 miles to the SW of the airport at 2500 agl and made it back to airport with ease . Passed my BFR ? and rotaxs do break. It is also very easy to service . Hope this helps
Cover I had made for my Sting . Fully padded and protects from hail and sun. It takes about 5 minutes to remove and install with 2 people a little longer to install by yourself.Its too heavy and bulky to take in aircraft but I have factory canopy cover for trips away.Bird deterrence on the tail made from a piece of pvc and cable ties also works well.
That would be good mate and not me paying a visit I haven't flown for weeks due to work and weather hopefully early next week I will be able to drill some holes in the sky
Hi Clayton here you have the new addition .I have lightspeeds and happy with them I am half deaf so needed anr to hear radio better .I am considering getting the cordless lightspeed tango and pax can use the zulus.Happy for you to try mine if you like
Hi Jim welcome. Just spent a week or two in Georgia with freinds in Dallas Ga. near Atlanta .A beautiful part of the world and great southern hospitality.Carnt wait to go back .We did some boating on Lake Allatoona would love to fly over it.Good luck with the hurricane hope all is well.
It's doing hi resolution mapping in the area and has been operating in the area for some time .I got this information off the local helicopter charter in Roma as they frequently operate in the area .They were notified by email of its operations.
Is any body having a problem with Oz runways ?Every time I open wx notams on an airfield oz runways shuts down on my I pad.I am up to date with upgrades etc and it worked fine yesterday.All other features are ok and works fine.
cheers 409
Look on the bright side mate ,you will have to fly the route again.I bought a cheapie $100 from supa cheap for my race car ,footage was ok but any vibration ( lots on a drag car ) it created a horrible buzzing noise .I used it on my helmet skiing in New Zealand and it worked great.I havnt tried it in the plane yet.