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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. I used to think of the drifter as my airborne motorcycle.
  2. Be fairly difficult to cancel the ego's of some around here. Lol
  3. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LSA-X-Air-Hanuman-/162055662968?hash=item25bb452d78:g:3NgAAOSwQjNW-krw How about this one? The wings fold on these as well.
  4. Again with the Agro DR. If we are not happy to vote for the proposed Constitutional change as it is presented we are keyboard warriors and want a return to the bad old days. Have you thought that maybe if people do not vote for the changes, then maybe they are simply not happy with the changes. I will be voting against the change not because I don't think change is needed, but because I am not comfortable with the proposed changes as written.
  5. No none Crezzi Just a throw away line trying to indicate that one flight in a Drifter could easily get you hooked. Everyone is so bloody serious on this forum it is a wonder that anyone bothers to post.
  6. Good to see you doing your tif i a drifter first, you will be able to cancel the trike after that as the drifter Tif will have you sold.
  7. So are you saying that those who do not agree with you are simply crazies. That seem fairly constructive. "NOT"
  8. He secretly can't wait for Abott to overthrow Turnbull so he can vote for him.
  9. Did I say Perk. I meant Purse honestly. Damn autocorrect.
  10. It would not take long if they thought Barnaby had control of the PERK strings
  11. I looked at this one and decided it couldn't be put back up. The price reflects that, it has come down a long way since I looked at it. The silly thing is that most of my flying is alone so it would have probably suited me. Biggest problem that I had whilst looking was getting a suitable carrying capacity.
  12. Yep I have been known to do that. And to add to the confusion Low Level at night in CTA.
  13. Just got an email from RAA. Frank Marriot is the new board member for NQld
  14. Just put your Rego into Oz Runways as your first name. People you know will know who you are, people who don't know you will know that there is an aircraft there which really is all they need to know.
  15. In fact that is only correct in a theoretical sense. If the PM were to pass away whilst in office, the Liberal Party would immediately elect a new leader who would then become the PM. The leader of the National Party (being the smaller member of the coalition) would then become once again the Deputy PM.
  16. Yes mate. Its been a tough week. I never actually got out of bed until 1130 and was back in there by 2pm. I am up now and ready for dinner and a scotch. :) Tomorrow for sure. Might go up to Rainbow Beach again and see if the sink hole has changed since last time.
  17. Bugga I decided to have a do nothing day. I knew I should have come.
  18. A clip from the above report. So sad if it is true. Imagine how the poor woman must have been feeling, waiting and not even able to ask why. So sad went it goes wrong and innocents are affected. "A woman believed to be the partner of the passenger of the plane was still waiting at the Sunbury airfield at about 4pm for the plane to return. She had a young boy with her and it is believed she may not speak English. The woman is a learner driver and could not drive home without her partner. Police arrived at the airfield and arranged for a driver to take her and the young boy home."
  19. I am not sure that the size of the pax could affect the accuaracy of the ASI. Unless he was hanging over the seat that much that parts of him were outside the aircraft.
  20. Have you thought of making your own?
  21. Therole of a director is quite different.
  22. We keep getting told how open this board are and how they are trying to improve communication, but everytime someone asks a question they get told the same thing. Ring the CEO or Ring the President. If the board were communicating properly we should not need to. If they care to send out a text about a special general meeting what would be so hard to send an email explaining it.
  23. You are correct Nick. You can do a tif and I think the first two or three lessons before you need to join RAA
  24. Yenn I got the same thing yesterday. I assume it was a generic text from RAA. One would hope that everyone gets one not just those showing an interest on this thread. I have seen a couple of things in the last couple of weeks that have made me question the security of our personal information within RAA. at the moment I am starting to think it is neither secure nor personal. This then makes me question why a board would want the power to restrict membership to an organisation that we must be a member of to follow our class of aviation?
  25. If the club becomes a company the board will very quickly become a board of management.
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