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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Hi Guy's Haven't posted in a fair while, but came across motor kite dreaming the other day whilst at work, can't remember the episode I had seen but it was not bad ( Rules wise ) so I thought I would watch few more. after seeing the Disclaimer on the start of the Episode about RAA not endorsing it and watching it, I can understand why. Sure we have all broken some rules every now and then, flown low in non populated areas but to go out and put it on TV especially with Pilots with no experience is ridiculous. RAA should de Register the aircraft involved and ground the Pilots until they come to there senses. Then CASA should investigate. Simply the amount of things they have done wrong is out of this world, I would have been shot if it was me.
  2. AWESOME News. Keep us posted.
  3. He was Lucky If it was fuel starvation I am sure the authorities will know when they check that fuel air mixture in the tank ;).
  4. Adrian Lewer

    11900 ft

    Your lucky your still alive to make sure you don't do it again.
  5. AHAHAHAHAHAHA I was having a bad day. I have my PPL but was wanting to do my CPL Theory. I have looked at his website and he does CPL but is his CPL course any good ?
  6. Yeah thats what I have been thinking and have been lead to believe Bob is the best. Lionel Taylor is he any good though ? is anyone out there who has trained with him ? Thanks for the reply.
  7. Hi Guy's hoping someone can give me some guidance. I have been looking at my PPL theory for a while now and was going to attend the Bob Tait theory courses in Redcliffe QLD but it was to far to trade away from my kids for 2 months. Bob looks to have a good pass rate which is why I was looking at his courses but would like to know if there is anyone in Victoria that can do theory courses and has good pass rates like Bob Tait. Cheers.
  8. Adrian Lewer

    Latest 3300

    Are you actually getting WOT ? have you checked whether or not your actually getting full throttle you might have some binding and just not getting the last 2-3 mm of travel ?
  9. Its funny I have spoken to a lot of people (from either rec forum or other hobbies) and every one seems to know everyone even if you have just passed one another. I dare say we have seen one another even if we have never met but one thing is for sure " WE BOTH LIKE AEROPLANES "
  10. I don't own an aircraft. Have been looking at purchasing another one for some time now but not sure when. I fly 4781 from inbound on the odd occasion but have been flying a cherokee 180 for a while now. Not interested in a fly the weekend after next are you ? if your a member of the aero club we can get the gazelle for about $100.00 HR fly to YLED for lunch.
  11. I have flown the yellow one in the YBLT aero clubs hangar and it is sweet. Very clean example of a gazelle.
  12. EVAN mate you have to fly a gazelle.... They are great...
  13. I think the technam is more user friendly than the gazelle, Don't get me wrong the gazelle is an awesome A/C for what it is but the gazelle will not climb like the technam and is more mushier in the lower end of the ASI the technam will just fly even if it is going backwards, and be so crisp in the controls you have to tell yourself "RUDDER ONLY" can't remember figures (I must admit I fly attitude not AS) but the technam will come in at 30-40 KTS with ease and authority ( DON'T TELL BRUCE THAT) but the gazelle will stall at about 30 odd KTS but will just not do it in real life, I find 40-50 KTS to be good. The gazelle is a great A/C and for about $35,000 you can have one in great Knick but the Techie cost $80,000 and is in my opinion BULLET proof but I actually hate the look of the things agricultural I call them the dash lets them down. I like my Jab's for the pure fact that they are responsive and fast and just suit my flying style but would recommend anyone learning to fly use on of the techies. In 4962 you would have been at 700FT by the club room which is 3/4 down the RWY SOLO at over 1000 FPM climb at 65-70 KTS IAS which is impressive in the gazelle the poor little buggar is only 100 FT by the club rooms. OH YEAH better range in the Techie only about 3.5 hours inc RES in a Gazelle.
  14. 4962 fly's good. like a gazelle.
  15. Don't know what to say, Poor buggars must have been under the pump, I could hear it i his voice he was thinking hard. I think I might devote my next flight to them and practice more PFL's after listening to that, God knows we all need it. To the family from myself and my family our best wishes are with you.
  16. Raindrops, I am sure not all of your RA hours count towards CPL they do for your PPL but not CPL (I think) only half of them can be counted for CPL. I did read this in a CASA manual somewhere while sifting through information at a flying school to do my PPL.
  17. AH ok I will call them on monday... Cheers.
  18. Hi everyone. I am thinking about going to the bob tait school in Redcliffe between august 8 and august 26 to attend the BAK PPL course. Hoping someone out there who lives close by could possibly put me up if I attend. Anyone with any info or somewhere to crash please let me know. Cheers..
  19. Thanks for the reply's everyone. I do agree everyone should be able to use the whizz wheel and I have posted on here before about my "excursions" without the GPS and have made alot of progress in my learning. I am not 100% with the whizz wheel but am able to get myself out of the poop when needed. I have made flights in the past where I just take off and plan in the air. I must admit this is where I built most of my experience. I usually stay within the local area or go for a scoot around the bay I do have an excellent knowledge of the area so this helps. I am just wanting to make the use of the maps easier in the cockpit as well as have the use of the GPS as a visual backup just to make sure all is going good. All of the A/C I fly have a gps built into the dash but I want to be able to turn on the GPS on and know it intimately not learn a different brand in flight. I like the Area 500 looks good was hoping it worked with moving maps :(
  20. Hi all I have decided to buy a GPS. I am keen on the Area 500 but still open to others. I would like to know what flight planning software is out there I can use to plan flights, print off maps with the required data then upload the flight plan to the GPS. I do remember one called seredent Airnav (I think thats what it was called) but apparently its unavalible anymore. All info would be appreciated.
  21. Yes They have been scrutinised to the hilt, I love the lines of this A/C, I just love it. I have pictures and even have a paint scheme in mind, have the panel sorted out, I would like to build her IFR, But have to do a lot more investigating into IFR. I don't want to start anything without having the whole thing planned out (even though it will not finish that way)
  22. Hi All I have successfully sold my CH 601 Project (Airframe only I still have the subaru engine and instruments). I will be building something in the future perhaps a 650 or similar. Thanks for all your help guy's I have learnt bucket loads and will keep it in the memory bank for my next build. In my decision to sell one of the reasons was I was unhappy with how things where looking with the project, I want to be able to build something from scratch and know how it was built without flying and thinking (did I miss something ? ) and the fact I have nothing to fly now I am maybe looking at buying a Gazelle or something similar for the meantime whilst I figure out what I want to do. I like the Gazelle as they just fly themselves but want something in the 100 + KTS range so will definitely be building something in the future. My only debacle now is if I build the 650 I want the pre drilled kit (will have to talk to allan a bit more about this) as it will save a bit of mucking around and also most parts are pre bent ie leading edge skins and ribs. I do consider this to be a lazy man's approach but I would like to dedicate more of the time into triple checking and with a pre drilled and bent kit the chances of the thing being wrong are slim. Any comments would be appreciated.
  23. I want it so bad... NOW ;) ;) ;)
  24. Hi all just wanting to know what a second hand icom IC-A200 is worth ? Cheers thanks.
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